Sunday, January 30, 2011

What is Truth

Truth, you may have read the dictionary definition just like everyone else but have you really thought about what is true. If you ask someone to define truth you will get words like...something that is a fact, accepted to be right or correct, etc. While the answers you get mirror the dictionary definition most people do not use it when they receive information. What most tend to do is accept something as truth if it is close to what they already think or does not conflict with how they want to conduct their life. So when for instances subject of global warming is discussed as a fact most accept it as such even though it is just a theory(and not a very good one at that). If you think about it you could come up with many other examples. You see one of the problems with the definition is the "accepted to be right or correct" which would indicate that something is true just because the majority of people believe it to be so. Another problem is that today many theories are being passed off as facts which if you base your knowledge on, you will end up with wrong decisions. The issue comes down too is that truth will not change and it does not matter if it is accepted as right or correct. That which is true remains true whether or not it is accepted as such. In other words whether or not we believe or want something to be true does not change whether it is true or not.
So if something can be changed or is not right in all cases it is not true. Truth is unchanging and eternal or it is not truth. Again what is believed to be true or not does not affect whether it is true or not. The interesting thing is that just over two thousand years ago the Bible tells us that Jesus stated that he was truth and the only way to God. Now whether we choose to believe that he is truth does not change whether it is true or not. So the issue becomes what is the ramification for accepting what he said as truth and allowing that to control our lives compared to rejecting him as a liar and therefore he could not be the way to God. Or you could just reject that there is a God and and conduct your life based on what you believe to be true. The question remains that truth will remain true no matter what we accept as correct therefore the bottom line remains, what is the ramification for being wrong regarding truth. If it is true that you will live for eternity can you really afford to be wrong on whether Jesus is the truth. Better to think about it now rather than regret making a wrong choice for all eternity. The choice is yours and not making a decision is making a choice by default.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


If you are not keeping up with the news you should start doing so. The problems in Egypt, Jordon, added to Ireland, Greece, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, France and Lebanon just to name a few will affect most of the world with oil prices leading the way before the more problematic issues hit. The unrest can not just be blamed on Islam, since some of the countries named have very minor Islamic presence in the nation. The problems run deep but the root cause is common to all including nations who currently are not exhibiting many symptoms. The unrest currently around the word is fast approaching a tipping point similar to the 1930s. Check your history for those who fail to learn from it are doomed to repeat it. Also suggest you read the Bible for a better understanding of what is occurring and direction needed to change the course. While there is still time Prepare!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Working too much?

How do you know that you are working too much. Do you spend 55+ hours per week, week after week after week at your job? When you finally get to be home are you doing office work? When you take time off are you checking in on your work, even on vacation? Do you stop by your job on Holidays? Does your work have your home phone number and personal cell number to call when you are off? Do you think about your job when you are not mentally engaged in something else? Do you find yourself tired when you get to be home even before you start any home chores? Are you too tired to make time to exercise? If you sit to watch TV do you find your eyes trying to close?
Do you have trouble finding time to post on your blog or read other blogs?
If your answers to the prior questions are yes, you are working too much. Will confess to having to answer yes also.
Therefore new goal needs to be how can some of the issues be addressed so the answers will be no. All need to remember that unless our job is full time ministry, we nee to free up some time that can be used to serve others and please God through that service. May you develop time not just for family but also for service.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Absence of Light

Ever think about what is darkness anyway. The Simple answer is that it is just an absence of light. Could you imagine a world with no sun to provide light. 24/7 any light would have to be carried with you so you could find your way. Lots of people do not mind dark places but few can take extended periods of total darkness without going somewhat crazy unless they are sleeping. Even night vision goggles require some light to magnify or they are useless. When there is little or no light for sustained periods it can be depressing and hard to function. Very few indeed would choose to live in such a world if they have a choice. Even one who is totally blind enjoys the sunshine though they can not see it. The blind learn to adapt and function well but if given the choice to see again, who would refuse the chance to see and remain blind. Darkness limits mobility and the ability to function. What would be thought of a person who would choose to remain blind rather than have sight. If a person was born without any sight having always been totally blind and lived with others who were also born blind how could you convince any of them that they should undergo surgery on their eyes so they could see. They would think you were a crazy one since you were one of the few odd ones who claimed to be able to see things that they thought did not exist. They would most likely laugh and ridicule you for such a strange concept as having sight.
Now you might say that this is just a crazy thought as people who were blind in a world of darkness would be quick to want change. Why you think they would jump at any chance to see what could not be seen while being blind. Now let us consider such a thought.
The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Light of the world and that those who do not believe in him live and walk in darkness. The Bible teaches us that without faith in Jesus we can not understand spiritual things and can not enter Heaven. Jesus said that people love darkness more than light because their deeds are evil. In other words people choose not to believe because they do not want to repent and be changed by God so they can see and understand spiritual things. Just like the person born blind living with others born blind has a problem believing they need eye surgery so all born in spiritual darkness have problem believing they need God to perform heart surgery so they can understand spiritual things.
Will you choose to remain in spiritual darkness or will you allow God to change you from the inside out so you will have spiritual light.
The choice is yours to choose light or to remain in darkness. May you choose well for an eternal life of light.

Friday, January 7, 2011

One week down

A week into 2011 already, time for self assessment as to what changes have been made to get a better outcome then what was experienced in 2010. If last year you tried to do things your way, how did that work out for you. If last year you tried to do things partially your way and partially with God, how did that work out. After considering these things what needs to be done different if you want different results. Think about the third option for 2011 of changing to seeking to do all things under the direction of God. There will first be the matter of repentance of sin and open acceptance of the son of God, Jesus the Christ as Lord of your life. But developing this personal relationship with God through Jesus will change not only your 2011 but your eternity.
Do you really want real change, if so the choice is yours as the price has been paid by Jesus but you must accept the payment as offered. At least read the book of John in the Bible before rejecting the payment. May you choose well.