Saturday, July 31, 2010

Distortion or Deception or Both......

Do you ever wonder how some people can respond to a question or issue without answering the question or actually addressing the issue. If anyone points out that their response was off point they simply say that they did answer and the questioner did not understand or something similar thereto. It should be an insult to all listening when someone tries to evade answering then attempts to cover their deliberate evasion, but the fact is we now have a lazy weak minded society that does not know how to analysis information, therefore they do not realize they are being deceived. If you do not have the ability or intelligence to figure out you are being played then you can not be offended. Then you will not take any action to counter the distortions and smoke being proffered by liberals and those in the progressive movement. They realize their ideas can not stand up to the test of truth or history, so they resort to lies and deception knowing that those in the media are on their side and will not expose them and their cohorts in the government school systems who have taught the lies and distorted the facts to a whole generation, so they are now unable to think critically and except the untruths they have learned. When a lie is heard over and over with little challenge it all too often becomes excepted as a fact although it is still a lie.
It has been said that those who do not find the truth and then stand up for that truth will fall for anything. Take a hard look at our society and you will see the basis for this adage. If you now wonder why no examples have been listed to reflect what is being referred to, the answer is actually pretty simple. Those who need the examples are not yet ready to see or understand and those who are ready do not need the examples because they have already sensed that the truth is being distorted. This is to encourage the latter group to find the truth and then stand up for the truth no matter what may come, the former group must first decide they want to see and put in the work required to overcome their blindness. Those who see must stand up and make a difference!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


There has been increase in attacks on Christian prayer in last couple of years esp. in the USA. An all out attempt to outlaw any public prayer that is Christian, which has included the firing of workers for praying over a co-workers area after hours when the co-worker was not present. Christian prayer before public meetings that have occurred since the nation was founded are suddenly being found unlawful by many judges. Intimidation tactics have been employed by atheist groups like ACLU and ASCS are leading the charge, they have no problem with prayers in general, only prayers which are prayed through the name of Jesus Christ. With atheism being the belief that there is no God, you would assume that what others did would be of little concern if there was in fact no God. Throughout history you can find examples of prayer being outlawed or restricted along with other attempts to control religious thought. Communist countries along with Islamic nations have been the latest using harsh tactics including death to stop christian prayer and adherence. Now the free countries are moving to restrict same while becoming more open to religions that would enslave women and eliminate all who oppose their rule. The question one should ask is why does it bother someone who claims to be an atheist if someone prays. If there is no God, then prayer would just be empty words spoken in the wind. Another question should be why no real concern of prayer unless it is a Christian prayer using name of Jesus Christ. Looking at these 2 questions unless blind and brain dead you must come to conclusion that they not only know there is a God but that He is also the God of the Bible. God says He will hear and answer the request of those who love Him and make their request to Him in the name of Jesus. Now there are two ways we can know for sure that there is a God, one is by God revealing Himself to us through repentance and faith in Jesus death burial and resurrection. Second way the Bible tells us is that Satan the prince of darkness and the father of liars, believes and reveals the same to those who follow him. All others he seeks to deceive using their unbelief and the pride of life to distract them from the truth that one day everyone will have to pay for their on sin if they have not accepted Christ payment for that sin. All will choose and the failure to choose or making wrong choice will have same result of no forgiveness and joining Satan and his followers in eternal separation from God and His loving light forever. It is written that darkness, weeping, gnashing of teeth, worms that do not die with tormenting heat await all who will not accept the payment of their sins by Jesus the son of God. Life is short but eternity is forever, choose well for God will honor your choice. May you count yourself worthy of forgiveness and faith.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Sports have long been held up as good way to keep kids out of trouble and teach values that will help through out life. Somewhere along the way something got flipped and no one paid much notice or just did not care. Think about the following everyday happenings.
Watching kids playing in a sports game and you will notice that the parents tend to be a little crazy. Yelling at officials and coaches alike if disagree with a game decision. There seem to be two main groups of parents, one that believes in win at any cost and the second is almost as bad teaching that it does not matter how you play as long as you have fun since no one should feel bad and all should be rewarded the same win or lose. The win at any cost crowd want the increased prestige & money/opportunities that come with winning. We see this in to many of to-days political leaders as they believe everything is about them and the rules they put in place only apply to the regular people not them or those wealthy individuals who help them stay in power. The other group seem to want everyone to have not the same opportunity for success but to receive the same rewards regardless of efforts or applied abilities.
Ask yourself would you really want to play a game with someone who breaks the rules(cheats) to "win" the game or someone who puts forth no effort and does not care about outcome. Both make the game worthless and waste of your time.
Remember the old saying of - cheaters never win and winners never cheat -. We now have to many that believe - get ahead at any cost and winning is all that matters- as you only go around in this life once so get all you can anyway you can since no one is more important than yourself. The other group worships under banner of 'from each according to ability to pay and to each according to their need regardless of effort. This is no more than legalized stealing and leads to mutually shared poverty.
With the win at any cost mentality why do we wonder at corrupt elected officials, corporate greed, tax cheats, embezzlement, employee thief, shoplifting, insurance fraud, crooked repair shops, fraud & abuse of government service programs, etc. When combined with those who believe in legalized stealing is it any wonder that we are facing financial, moral and social collapse
Now you have an idea of why belief in evolution is so important in our society, it is a very disturbing thought that we were created by God. Since if we were we would have to answer to Him for failure to follow His law and the accepting of Jesus Christ His son's payment for our sins.
An unacceptable thought for any who have not studied the Bible to determine how to have a personal relationship with God through His son Jesus.
The stakes can get no higher than to reject the Bible as God's word and not find out until to late that wrong decision was made.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Protecting the Guilty

Laws that prohibit the execution of anybody with low IQ's, as tested by court appointed doctors or otherwise reduce punishment based on notion that crime is victims fault. Now just watch for those who are smart enough to lower their IQ score to escape justice. Elected "representatives" never cease to surprise me and amazing how we continue to find so many people lacking common sense to vote into office. My thought is that there must me a test given to those who seek elected office which test for common sense or wisdom and only those who fail are allowed to run for office. I also wonder if the same test is used when appointing judges.
If you are killed by someone who scores low on IQ test rather than by someone who scores higher must mean you are not as dead or injured to their way of thinking. What a republic to give so much opportunity to those who could not make an honest living, they are allowed to leech off of hardworking honest citizens.
It appears that there are more protections for the guilty than for the innocent and the courts have become the safe haven for child molesters, sexual deviants, murders, etc. unless of course they are not a part of PC crowd. Then amazingly the law seems to work okay. And now in the USA the blindfold has been taken off of lady justice. The government withdraws charges in voter intimation case which included video evidence, only reason dropped was skin color of the criminal. Ever notice that innocent until proven guilty works best for those with money or position. How about the tax laws where the adage changes to guilty until proven innocent. What have we allowed our Country to become?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Violation of Their Oath

Trouble ahead for USA. In recent years the 9 members of the US Supreme Court have increasingly decided important cases by 5 to 4 votes. We must ask how can this be when each was required to take an oath to uphold the US Constitution when deciding the cases that come before them. Either some of the Justices are ignorant of the Constitution and the intent of the framers of that document or they are deliberately
violating their oath in an attempt to destroy that which they swore to uphold. But regardless of the motivation of those who violate their sworn duty it is becoming clear that the end result will be the same. No nation can survive when it's foundation has been destroyed, all that remains will be distrust in the government and anarchy with civil war in the streets. Votes now being cast by 4 members of the court use current PC thought, the world court and personal biases in casting their vote to decide cases and are even so brazen as to include same in the dissenting opinion from the majority vote. At times they have been able to get the 5th vote necessary to prevail and openly listed reasons in the ruling opinion that are contrary to the Constitution that the decision was suppose to be based upon.
Once the 5th and final member needed has been added to the Court, only hope would be impeachment of the Justices for violating their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution. However this will not be likely since those voting to confirm adding these activist Justices to the court are not likely to turn around and vote for their impeachment. Therefore we will be left with no foundation for our laws and the freedoms that have made the USA a safe haven for the worlds oppressed. Then it will be hello violence and upheaval, goodbye peace and freedom. The progressives have undermined our nation and are awaiting the funeral of this Republic. Are you ready for that which is to come and the troubled dark times. The hour is late but there is a little life left. If you do not want to witness the funeral then now is the time to speak up, get involved, and pray for national repentance so that God will intervene. Wake up before it is to late!