Friday, July 2, 2010

Violation of Their Oath

Trouble ahead for USA. In recent years the 9 members of the US Supreme Court have increasingly decided important cases by 5 to 4 votes. We must ask how can this be when each was required to take an oath to uphold the US Constitution when deciding the cases that come before them. Either some of the Justices are ignorant of the Constitution and the intent of the framers of that document or they are deliberately
violating their oath in an attempt to destroy that which they swore to uphold. But regardless of the motivation of those who violate their sworn duty it is becoming clear that the end result will be the same. No nation can survive when it's foundation has been destroyed, all that remains will be distrust in the government and anarchy with civil war in the streets. Votes now being cast by 4 members of the court use current PC thought, the world court and personal biases in casting their vote to decide cases and are even so brazen as to include same in the dissenting opinion from the majority vote. At times they have been able to get the 5th vote necessary to prevail and openly listed reasons in the ruling opinion that are contrary to the Constitution that the decision was suppose to be based upon.
Once the 5th and final member needed has been added to the Court, only hope would be impeachment of the Justices for violating their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution. However this will not be likely since those voting to confirm adding these activist Justices to the court are not likely to turn around and vote for their impeachment. Therefore we will be left with no foundation for our laws and the freedoms that have made the USA a safe haven for the worlds oppressed. Then it will be hello violence and upheaval, goodbye peace and freedom. The progressives have undermined our nation and are awaiting the funeral of this Republic. Are you ready for that which is to come and the troubled dark times. The hour is late but there is a little life left. If you do not want to witness the funeral then now is the time to speak up, get involved, and pray for national repentance so that God will intervene. Wake up before it is to late!

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