Sunday, June 27, 2010


Happiness and peace will become the companion of all who refuse to follow the advice of the wicked while not allowing themselves to be followers of those who love sin while scorning those who try to live in a righteous manner. Those who delight in the things of God and reflect on His word continuity will find an oasis of calm in a sea of hopeless turmoil. God will prosper those who follow His path for their life and no matter what they face they will not be shaken nor moved like a ship at anchor. Those who will not acknowledge God are not so, but are more like dust blown about by the wind of societal change and with no anchor there is no calmness of spirit. Peace becomes a moving target for all who heed the current babble of the progressives. Those who chose to live by the selfish standards of mankind will find themselves lost in an ocean of despair with no ground for relief. God knows the way of those who seek Him in righteousness and they follow His Light so they do not fall in the trenches of this world. However God also knows the way of the ungodly and that their way leads to pain and needless sorrow of spirit. He shines His light into the darkness like a lighthouse gives warning of danger to be avoided. You are the captain of your ship and the choice to heed the light or deny its warning is yours to make. Those who will accept the warning and turn from the danger, avoid being shipwrecked and sunk for all eternity. Find Hope for your journey through this life in the Bible, it is the only way to know the Truth. May you find the anchor for your life in Jesus the Christ who paid the price for sin so we would not have to. He is the Light, may you walk in that Light.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No leadership

Oil continues to gush into the USA Gulf Coast area, fouling everything it touches. Death and Destruction are visible on every side. Now for over 60 days the onslaught has continued and one must wonder how much longer before it can be stopped. A look at the US government response is eye opening. The main actions taken are lot of hot air and getting lawyers involved to see who can be held accountable along with possible criminal charges. The offers from other nations willing to help ignored or just refused. Blaming BP for problem and strong arming them into setting up fund to pay damage claims run by the government seems to be the priority. Now nothing wrong with making sure damages are taken care of BUT the focus needs to be an all hands on deck approach in working to stop the oil from continuing to flow before it starts to cause damage to other nations and destroys ocean eco system for years to come. The sad thing is that the US government encouraged the deep water drilling with no viable data in how to handle a ruptured pipe problem at such a depth. Now we have the problem and no workable plan to fix in a reasonable time frame. No leadership from Washington DC and BP with out the power and resources needed to fix before it became a major problem. The one time a problem is large enough to actually need government to step in to coordinate the containment and clean up effort and all we get is talk about paying for damages and who should be blamed. There is a time for everything and now is the time for action to stop the flow of oil and after that has happened THEN it will be time for blame, investigations, liability, and paying for the damages. If the government cannot answer the bell for this issue how can it be trusted to run the health care system effectively for over 300 million people. Another nightmare waiting to happen. We vote in those who have not only no experience in the real world but no clue as to how to lead in a critical time. Is it any wonder why excuses seem to be the rule of the day by those who are blinded by their ideology even while walking in darkness. Interesting times are upon us indeed.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Costly choice

I was once offered some free stuff by my neighbor, told him thanks but did not really need. Talked me into it he did. Could make use of it although did not need or have to have. So took the stuff off of his hands and used it. My reason for taking was that it was not costing me anything and could find use for it, what could possibly be wrong with something free and helping neighbor out at same time. Everyone else would have thought the same, what crazy person would turn down something free that they could use even if not needed. Well, I wish that crazy person had been me as the result of taking and using the free stuff it ended up costing me $800+. Not my neighbors fault as he was basically blind to the issue & did not know or think about any possible ramifications for me. I will not make that mistake again or anything close as since that time I check out more then just that an item is free. I look at from as many sides as I can to find any cost or issues that others may have missed and to make sure that I can afford if wrong to pay any possible cost. The good news for me is that in this case the lesson learned was a matter of inconvenience, somewhat expensive and of no lasting harm. I live on with a life lesson learned that all things free are not always without cost. Now you may ask what on earth brought that life lesson to this blog. Think about this how many people live their lives by their own standards. They dismiss as fairy tales anything that indicates that there might be a Creator God who we will have to answer to after our final breath is taken. The problem here is simple, The Bible tells us that God loves us and His son Jesus the Christ died for our sins so we would not have to pay the price. All we have to do is repent and accept the payment for our sin, allowing God to change us from the inside out. Some will say that this is just a fairy tale they can not accept, even if it was not based on Jewish old testament and the new testament that God also used Jews to pen. Anti-Semites do not judge themselves worthy simply because of dislike for Jews and some Jews do not count themselves worthy simply because the price was also paid for Gentiles. (Go figure!)
Now let us consider the matter if the Bible is correct and everyone will have to pay price for their sins for all eternity. The choice becomes to pay the required price personally or to accept the payment that God prepared for those who will repent and humble themselves by acknowledging that they need the Savior. So the question remains what is the cost of being wrong and can you afford it. If the Bible is not the word of God and therefore a fairy tale you will have no problem. However if Bible is in fact the word of God and you choose not to believe then the price will be paid for all eternity with no second chance. My mistake was not to count all possible cost in my decision to take the free stuff and therefore I have no one to blame but me for the price I ended up paying for wrong choice. At least when I made the wrong decision the cost was limited in scope and duration. You can not afford to let others talk you into a choice that is unlimited in cost and duration as eternity is forever. Consider the ultimate cost is your soul and where you will have to spend eternity. You will have no one to blame if you choose wrong just as I could not blame my neighbor for my wrong choice. The ultimate choice was mine to make. You will make the ultimate choice of accepting or rejecting what the Bible tells us is God's requirement to spend eternity in Heaven. Count the total cost and at least you will not be surprised. God has said you are worthy of receiving payment for your sin, are you willing to accept the Truth.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Free Choice

Do you really believe you have freedom of choice and responsibility for your decisions. Think about driving a car without a government issued permit or not wearing your seat belt or talking on a cell phone or riding a motorcycle without an approved helmet. You will find if pulled over that the ticket will not be free as you will get to pay a fine for your "free" choice. A law that is intended to force you to avoid the risk of extra injuries in a crash if you make the wrong choice and decide to not wear a seat belt or helmet. There are laws to restrict how you can develop your own property, even when it does not interferes with your neighbors property. If the government decides it wants your home or land it will condemn it and take it by force paying you whatever it decides to assign as it's value. Social security tax is used to force you to save for retirement. Then Government spends it rather than investing it for the stated retirement.
Government passes health care laws that require everyone to get health insurance whether you want it or not and then controls access to the care. However if you are in the country illegally you do not have to worry as you do not have to pay or be a part of financing the system. Speech has become a restricted freedom unless you hold PC views, speech based on the Bible or books based on its teachings are about the only speech that it is banned from the Public discourse.
But do not to worry it is still okay to kill a baby as long as you pay someone else to do it for you. However a Doctor or Hospital that chooses not to be involved in the murder of babies will face loss of funding and sanctions.
For senior citizens it has become a dangerous time for them with government controlled health care decisions using age based factors in cost analysis in order to control cost. But again no need to worry they will continue to approve the medical cost of killing the babies using the money saved from denial of real medical treatment to seniors and those with permanent disabilities.
Watch for more use of the tax laws and enforcement using the tax enforcement agencies to limit real freedom of choice in the coming years.
Voting alone is not enough you must start putting people in office whose primary concerns are the freedom of our people, rather than those who would enslave us to their paternal worldview. How much Freedom do you really have when you disagree with the PC crowd who are bend on insuring all nations become like third world countries. The Hour is late but there still is hope if you will walk out of the dark fog and become a source of light to help others escape the fog. Are you willing to become a light?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Faith of an Atheist.....

How about the self proclaimed Atheist, with all of the knowledge available today, I will quickly admit I did not have enough faith to be an atheist. The big bang just didn't get it for me. Even grade school kids know there are trillions of stars most larger than our sun and even if the stars didn't have planets revolving around them it would defy all reason to believe they happened from a "big bang" or just by some random chance. If one is educated just on how physical sight occurs it would take a miracle amount of faith to accept it happened by pure random chance. But I guess some people would believe you could put all the parts of a watch in a box and given enough "time" it would start telling time.(Now where did all those parts come from to put in the box?) Bottom line is this if Atheist are right and I am wrong in allowing God to have changed me, it would be no big deal for me, as would just end up like them, as worm food, however if Bible is the word of God then I get to spend eternity in Heaven and the Atheist and non believers .... well you might want to spend a lot of time praying that you are are not wrong as life is short and eternity is forever. I would suggest you might want to read the Bible again so at least you will not be surprised when you die and face judgment at the hand of God who has informed us that we get a choice between 2 locations for all eternity. One being Heaven where He abides and the other Hell where Satan will be dwelling for eternity. Know that God was the one who allowed His son Jesus the Christ to die for our sins so we would not have to pay the price ourselves and have to spend eternity in the place created for Satan along with his followers. You know the God who you denied even exist. The stakes can be no higher.. choose well since unlike those who have accepted the paid price you can not afford to be wrong. If you choose to reject the gift of forgiveness study the Bible well so you will know what eternity will be like for you if you are wrong. May you choose well as your choice will be honored for all eternity.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

High Cost of Care

A hot topic has become Health care and the need to make changes because of skyrocketing cost some nations already ration care for those who need it most. So let us consider some the problems. I am not talking about new ways to feed the health care system beast that is national health care. We need to start with one of the most obese societies in the world and the foundation is solid. We still have a high percentage of smokers, consumers of alcohol and other drugs. Sexually transmitted diseases of all types. We must not leave out the most expensive over the last 30 years in HIV/AIDS brought to us primarily through the "gay" lifestyle. By the way remember that little lie that what adults do in the privacy of their own home doesn't hurt anyone. Therefore it should not be a concern and is not anyone's business including the government. Well a half trillion dollars later and still climbing in the USA alone the public still believes the media supported lie that the gay lifestyle does not affect anyone else.
We live in a society that wants to pop a pill for every health issue they encounter. Those who are not indulging in fleshly desires but attempting to live healthy lifestyles by watching what they eat, living moral lives are expected to cover the cost of those who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. It is the failure to exercise any self-control that has caused the health care problem in our country along with most other democratic nations. The failure of the individual to take responsibility for their own actions has allowed the liberal elitist to use political correctness to take over democratic nations and change them into socialist nations with power and control maintained by these same elitist.
The only real hope for our nations now rest within the Church, but without a spiritual awaking and Godly living from the pulpit to the pews the churches influence on society will continue to wane. We need to repent and turn to the Light so that God will hear our prayers and save our nations and their people.
Some choose to put their trust in government, but I choose to put mine in God. What about you, what is your choice?