Tuesday, June 1, 2010

High Cost of Care

A hot topic has become Health care and the need to make changes because of skyrocketing cost some nations already ration care for those who need it most. So let us consider some the problems. I am not talking about new ways to feed the health care system beast that is national health care. We need to start with one of the most obese societies in the world and the foundation is solid. We still have a high percentage of smokers, consumers of alcohol and other drugs. Sexually transmitted diseases of all types. We must not leave out the most expensive over the last 30 years in HIV/AIDS brought to us primarily through the "gay" lifestyle. By the way remember that little lie that what adults do in the privacy of their own home doesn't hurt anyone. Therefore it should not be a concern and is not anyone's business including the government. Well a half trillion dollars later and still climbing in the USA alone the public still believes the media supported lie that the gay lifestyle does not affect anyone else.
We live in a society that wants to pop a pill for every health issue they encounter. Those who are not indulging in fleshly desires but attempting to live healthy lifestyles by watching what they eat, living moral lives are expected to cover the cost of those who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. It is the failure to exercise any self-control that has caused the health care problem in our country along with most other democratic nations. The failure of the individual to take responsibility for their own actions has allowed the liberal elitist to use political correctness to take over democratic nations and change them into socialist nations with power and control maintained by these same elitist.
The only real hope for our nations now rest within the Church, but without a spiritual awaking and Godly living from the pulpit to the pews the churches influence on society will continue to wane. We need to repent and turn to the Light so that God will hear our prayers and save our nations and their people.
Some choose to put their trust in government, but I choose to put mine in God. What about you, what is your choice?


  1. i trust in meself!n the highest good! governments generally lie and not be offensive but god/bible or i understand have teachings ect, but imo they are open to interpritation. whilst i see nothing wrong in being religious in any way shape or form i do belive as individuals we need to belive in something/someone. however alot of what is written in said books are not for our times outdated/old fashioned,just my opinion...i really hope your not suugesting that being of gay origin is wrong? and i thought hiv/aids was a man made disease!!!everyone is equal one!

  2. one who has been changedJune 2, 2010 at 7:23 PM

    Hey A, On Bible some parts indeed is God providing a history of His working with man and then showing His plan for now as well as that which is to come. If studied with precept upon precept and not parts pulled from whole then understanding is obtained(with God helping). On the HIV/Aids there are only 2 ways to get, the first is from someone who has already, and the orginal introduction into society thru homosexual activity which is where the new variations come from today.(This little detail is usually covered up due to politcal correctness) Remember just because we do not like a fact it does not change its truth. HIV/Aids is the only disease that can be wiped out in one generation by just stopping all homosexual activity and isolating and treating those that currently have the virus. Not an acceptable idea today so many more will contract the virus and die as result. What an enlightened time in which we live. Men just call darkness light and keep stumbling around. I am one who belives we must speak truth even when not popular. So I know I will win no elections.

  3. Wow! Great blog great take on healthcare, I would add fast-food to the list of unhealthy habits that we must pay for.
