Thursday, August 26, 2010

One, Two or Three

Ever have a bad hair day or know someone who has..what are the choices they face and things that must be considered. Usually a time assessment must be made and then depending on time available a course of action is taken. Consider the 3 choices that can be is to do nothing just face up to fact all will see the unacceptable hair and just suck it up and go with flow...two is to attempt a cover up and wear a hat/cap that will make the bad hair less noticeable. Three is take time to wash and redo the hair so it will pass muster without shame or hoping to hide the hair problem. Now think about it what really is the big deal anyway if only problem is the hair at least have hair to work with and others do not have to look at the hair as they should mind their own business anyway. So really should be no big deal that you are giving most important speech of your life to the largest most important group you will ever address and the speech is being web-cast around the world. Okay so most would think should be considered mega big deal. Would this affect our decision as to which choice we would choose to make. Only the third choice is sensible as really the only right choice. Now that we have figured that out lets look at another choice.
No one is perfect and everyone has sinned and broken the Law of God so what are our choices for the sin problem. One we can do nothing and hope that when we die God will not notice or care that we have not kept His commandments. Two try to make our sin less noticeable by having argument ready that compared to many others our sins really were not that bad. Three we can study the Bible to find out what God expects from us and how we can have our sins washed away so when we stand before He will see no sin since the sin problem has been cleared up. Now think about the first two choices and how foolish they are when thinking about standing in front of a Holy God who allowed His son Jesus the Christ to die for our sins so we would not have to pay the price. Only the third choice is sensible one as it accepts the payment made by Jesus as provided by God so we can be cleansed from our sin and free to enter into Heaven for eternity. The Bible shows us how to prepare for our meeting with God but the choice is ours. Consider well your choice for God will honor your choice for all eternity. Time is short start by first checking out book of John in the Bible, while there is still time to change current decision. With the final breath the decision becomes locked in for all eternity. Can not afford to choose 1 or 2 and be wrong about the Bible being the word of God.

Friday, August 20, 2010

SomeThoughts for today...

There is none so deaf as those who will not hear.
There is none so blind as those who will not see.
Those who have no standards will not be able to stand in the time of trouble.
Those who will fall for anything will never be truly free.
Those who choose to be blind will miss the Light.
Those who make up their minds before seeking all of the facts will become mindless.
Those not wishing to be confused with the facts will remain ignorant.
Those who stir up strife will miss the joy of knowing peace.
Those who shout down opposing positions will become self-deluded.
Those who seek to be rich will live a life of discontentment.
The friends of the rich will disappear when they become poor.
The friends of the poor will be a help in the time of need.
Quick gain is but a step from a quicker loss.
Truth is always true and a lie is always false.
Those who desire a life full of pleasure will have an empty life.
Those who desire to be a blessing to others will have a full life.
Those who believe they are god will not know God.
Those who live to drink will die of thirst.
To be strong one must become weak.
To be found one must be lost.
Without hope there is no victory.
Without God there is no eternal life.
Without Jesus there is no forgiveness.
Without the Bible there is no knowledge of Truth.
Without light there is only darkness.
To be truly free one must first become a servant.
Eternal life is free just not cheap.
To remove the penalty of sin a price must be paid.
To find Life is to know Jesus Christ as Lord.
Think about it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Being Happy

Who really controls your happiness when things get tough or just hectic, seemingly out of control circumstances that constantly come your way. Many think they are or become unhappy because of the actions of those around them which may or may not be considered self directed me first or nothing attitudes. The failure to be happy may be considered by some to be the result of hard financial times, the failure to be hired for employment we really wanted or thought we should have gotten. For some not being popular with a lot of friends or party invites is the result of bad or lacking parents or just hard knocks of life. To others it is the failure of their spouse, boy or girl friend to meet their expectations that is cause of unhappiness. Not making enough money or having the right job title is source of unhappiness according to some. For many they could be happy if ... they had right job, large enough bank account, right spouse, right friends, right boyfriend, right girlfriend, large home in good neighborhood, fancy new automobile, and rich parents. For others it would be no problems, no debt, being able to afford any thing they wanted when they wanted it, vacations around the world, or just a vacation home at the beach. Now you might find something listed that you think would ensure your happiness now and over time, however if you look around or read the news you will find that those who are super rich, famous, hold positions of prestige or power have lots of problems and are most often unhappy insecure people. So lets consider the basics, being happy long term is not the result of ones circumstances, it has to be something else. When you find someone who is truly a happy person you have found someone who has decided to be content with what they have regardless of their circumstances. It is when we learn to be content with what we have rather than dwelling on what we do not have, that we can obtain a life of happiness that can not be taken from us no matter what comes our way. The path to true happiness lies in knowing God and His love for us as shown by His son Jesus the Christ paying the price for our sins and accepting by faith His plan for our life which is able to bring us blessing now and forever. Make study of the Bible and time of prayer the 1st part of your day and you will be on path to real happiness. Contentment is best learned through a personal relationship with God. May you find true happiness for your life.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


US Senate has approved a new member for the Supreme Court. All the evidence shows she will take an oath to uphold the US Constitution by placing her hand on the Bible and then disregard that sworn oath. She does not accept the Bible as word of God and thinks the Constitution should be seen only as a changing guideline. When the foundation for a society and its laws are undermined openly there is little left but the inevitable break down of law and order. This can be seen in many facets of the lawlessness that is spreading through out the country. Prime examples are in illegal immigration where the federal government sued a State for upholding the requirements of article VI of US Constitution. This article expressly requires the police power of every state to enforce the laws of the US federal government. The Federal government in this case sued the state for enforcing federal law as required while at same time has taken no action against cities who openly state they will not enforce the US immigration laws. The result has been violence and lawlessness in the streets with worst areas being the states on US southern border. Another example is with homosexuals who openly flaunt their lifestyle and demand everyone else approve their perverse actions by requiring that marriage be redefined. They demand that all citizens pay the cost for their expensive destructive conduct and openly attack any who dare speak up to point out the negative impact on our society from their chosen behavior. Children are at the greatest risk as the government schools have become not only the recruiting grounds for homosexuals but the labs to produce more homosexuals. Physical violence and intimidation are their trademark when the courts do not move quick enough to overturn laws passed to uphold Constitution and protect the rights of our people. The question remains how much longer can the US survive the onslaught directed against her from the elites and progressives who seek to tun off the light. The light has grown dim who will stand up against the forces of darkness to fight to retain the light. Will you?