Thursday, August 26, 2010

One, Two or Three

Ever have a bad hair day or know someone who has..what are the choices they face and things that must be considered. Usually a time assessment must be made and then depending on time available a course of action is taken. Consider the 3 choices that can be is to do nothing just face up to fact all will see the unacceptable hair and just suck it up and go with flow...two is to attempt a cover up and wear a hat/cap that will make the bad hair less noticeable. Three is take time to wash and redo the hair so it will pass muster without shame or hoping to hide the hair problem. Now think about it what really is the big deal anyway if only problem is the hair at least have hair to work with and others do not have to look at the hair as they should mind their own business anyway. So really should be no big deal that you are giving most important speech of your life to the largest most important group you will ever address and the speech is being web-cast around the world. Okay so most would think should be considered mega big deal. Would this affect our decision as to which choice we would choose to make. Only the third choice is sensible as really the only right choice. Now that we have figured that out lets look at another choice.
No one is perfect and everyone has sinned and broken the Law of God so what are our choices for the sin problem. One we can do nothing and hope that when we die God will not notice or care that we have not kept His commandments. Two try to make our sin less noticeable by having argument ready that compared to many others our sins really were not that bad. Three we can study the Bible to find out what God expects from us and how we can have our sins washed away so when we stand before He will see no sin since the sin problem has been cleared up. Now think about the first two choices and how foolish they are when thinking about standing in front of a Holy God who allowed His son Jesus the Christ to die for our sins so we would not have to pay the price. Only the third choice is sensible one as it accepts the payment made by Jesus as provided by God so we can be cleansed from our sin and free to enter into Heaven for eternity. The Bible shows us how to prepare for our meeting with God but the choice is ours. Consider well your choice for God will honor your choice for all eternity. Time is short start by first checking out book of John in the Bible, while there is still time to change current decision. With the final breath the decision becomes locked in for all eternity. Can not afford to choose 1 or 2 and be wrong about the Bible being the word of God.


  1. I've spent many of my days studying the word of God. Following what it says has always been my issue. The word is so deeply embedded within me that I cannot deny it though. The battle between flesh & spirit is a hard one. Pray for me, as I will pray for you.

  2. Thanks, B-More, you are right that there is a battle between the flesh and spirit. With prayer and study of Bible the spirit grows stronger. We live in a dark time where good is being called evil and evil is called good. Good news is we need not be dismayed since God warned us in the end times this would happen. God is faithful to keep those who love Him and follow after holiness. Pray that God will give you strength to stand fast in these latter times.
