Sunday, October 31, 2010

Election hope?

USA is facing midterm elections and people are fired up, with many hoping to undo the mistakes of the last two elections. They are hoping for some more change to replace the change that has been endured since the last election. The real problem is the basic selfishness of the majority of the people, too many want change that will not affect them, just the neighbors. This attitude has resulted in the death of reason and commonsense. Our people have turned from God and now look to political leaders to solve our problems. The heart of the matter is that it is the political leaders along with the me first attitude that has brought us record unemployment, debt and an economy on the verge of collapse. Gay marriage and gays openly serving in military are not the problem but just some symptoms of the spiritual darkness of our time. Those who place their hope in the elections rather than repenting and turning to God will reap more disappointments and change that will not correct our nations slide into the mutually shared poverty that is socialism. Our people do need to vote but they also must pray for God to heal our land so that we can again become a land of hope and a light for the rest of the world. Real hope is in God alone through Jesus the Christ.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

G is now misnomer

I read a blog recently from outside the USA which contained a comment that appeared to reflect the problem in society today no matter the nation. He was blogging regarding a Judge in USA lowest court that ruled that the US military had to allow any "gay" members to openly live their lifestyle. Needless to say he and the judge if not homosexual personally now, were at the least considering that conduct for themselves. The statement he made that reflected the problem with our society was that - since there had not been any sexual orgies by the gays already in the US military that allowing them to serve openly encouraged would not be any problem. What he missed in his point was that the reason that there had not been any issue under the current military policy was most likely due to the fact if they were involved in any orgies they would be dismissed from the military for violating the current military standards. If the policy is changed then they would be free to have the sexual orgies in the barracks without fear of any ramifications. The main thing that would be accomplished would be to turn the US military into a second rate military power like the armed forces of the various nations especially in Europe who do allow homosexuals to openly practice their lifestyles. This includes GB of which the G is a misnomer not only with the military but with the nation as a whole. Whatever is sowed will be reaped and when history is revised rather than learned from it will be repeated. When one is blinded by their ideology, reason and commonsense can not be seen or even found. All that is left is the fall.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Final Season

Have you ever thought about the phrase "for a season". Seasons normally refer to a space of time and we are living through time. Our time will run into eternity and cannot go any further, because eternity never ends. Until we get to eternity we will go through different seasons of life. There will be seasons of joy, seasons of good health, seasons of sorrow, seasons of health challenges, and there will be seasons that seem to just fly by in a blur. We all will encounter different seasons at different times as we journey the seasons of our life. The seasons for some will be rougher than those of others but all will have some rough seasons. We rarely control the time or season but how we react to and what we learn from passing through each season is up to us. Choices will need to be made when all is said and done. We can turn to God who created us and showed His love for us by allowing His son Jesus the Christ to die for our sin. We can blame God for our problems or deny that he exist until our time passes into eternity. The victory cannot be won in our journey through the seasons of our life when we try to do it our way. All who live will soon have their time pass into eternity and the key is to be prepared before the final season of our life.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A sound many will not hear

There is a sound to come that will resound around the world and be heard by people in every nation. The sound will be that of a trumpet played from the heavens and pierce the air so that all who hear will hear it at the same time. Those for who it sounds will hear it whether awake or asleep. They will hear it even if they work in the deep mines or in submarines deep in the ocean. Those for who it sounds will not miss the trumpets call and will be carried away by the sound thereof. But even more will not hear even when those around them are responding to the trumpet sound. They will not know nor would they believe if told that it is the ordered trumpet call. Those who are prepared will hear and be caught up never looking back. While those who were not ready did not hear and will not understand what has happened to cause so many disappearances. The media and government officials will try to spin what has happened while working to take advantage of the crises. They will be celebrating the fact that most of those known to be gone were those who opposed their policies. One world government finally obtained thanks to the sudden disappearance of several million people from all around the world.
It is but the beginning of the end and that which is to come in a seven year period will take those who were not ready on a journey that will determine the final outcome for their life. Truth will be in short supply and attacked with a violence that is uncontrollable for the seven years. That which appears to be so sweet at beginning of the seven will turn to bitterness before the end thereof.
The key is to be ready so you will hear when the trumpet sounds. Do you have ears to hear?

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Fall has arrived and with it the welcome cooler weather and a change in color for the landscape. Football is in full swing and tailgate parties along with backyard barbecues abound. Schools and Colleges are creating extra learning opportunities with test, and reports to prepare. There is a time and season for everything and now seems to be the time of doing our own thing and seeking our own way. It has been foretold that this time would come when people would run here and there and back again with knowledge increasing but wisdom departing from our time. Everyone is busy and harried with the stress of life which they complain about while life flies by with no thought of that which was, is, and still to come. We work for the payday and payday is surly coming.
The question is will you be ready for the final payday that is to come.
Think about what you are working toward so there will be no surprise when you do go to your final retirement place.