Sunday, October 10, 2010

A sound many will not hear

There is a sound to come that will resound around the world and be heard by people in every nation. The sound will be that of a trumpet played from the heavens and pierce the air so that all who hear will hear it at the same time. Those for who it sounds will hear it whether awake or asleep. They will hear it even if they work in the deep mines or in submarines deep in the ocean. Those for who it sounds will not miss the trumpets call and will be carried away by the sound thereof. But even more will not hear even when those around them are responding to the trumpet sound. They will not know nor would they believe if told that it is the ordered trumpet call. Those who are prepared will hear and be caught up never looking back. While those who were not ready did not hear and will not understand what has happened to cause so many disappearances. The media and government officials will try to spin what has happened while working to take advantage of the crises. They will be celebrating the fact that most of those known to be gone were those who opposed their policies. One world government finally obtained thanks to the sudden disappearance of several million people from all around the world.
It is but the beginning of the end and that which is to come in a seven year period will take those who were not ready on a journey that will determine the final outcome for their life. Truth will be in short supply and attacked with a violence that is uncontrollable for the seven years. That which appears to be so sweet at beginning of the seven will turn to bitterness before the end thereof.
The key is to be ready so you will hear when the trumpet sounds. Do you have ears to hear?


  1. Good blog from the pre-trib perspective. Those without Christ certainly need to be ready, but those who know Christ should also be ready to suffer for him if the trumpet comes later than some might think. Good blog!

  2. Tks, but intent was meant to be from perspective that we need to acquire "ears" that will hear the trumpet when it does sound regardless of the year.
