Sunday, November 21, 2010

Not? Offended...

Have you ever noticed that no one gets offended when someone tries to sell them a product or service. They do not get offended if someone offers them something to drink that could cause them to vomit or have a headache the next morning. They do not get offended when someone offers them something to smoke that could lead to cancer. They do not get offended if a "gay" person demands others accept their lifestyle and pick up the resulting health care tab. They do not get offended when the media makes fun of or puts down a person of faith. They do not get offended by cursing and foul language in public or over the airwaves. They do not get offended by public funds being used to promote anti-family values. They do not get offended by those who would remove the word Christmas and replace it with the holiday season. They do not get offended when Judges do not follow the law they swore to uphold. They are not offended by the debase or crude conduct being accepted in our society.
Their motto is live and let live, everyone should be free to do their own thing with out someone silencing or putting them down. But.............I forgot there is an exception. If you care enough about others to go out of your way to reach out and attempt to help them out of their problems or spend time warning others that there are consequences for life choices... And you do this because you are a follower of the son of God Jesus Christ watch out you will be attacked, put down, laughed at, scorned, shouted down or otherwise silenced no matter the cost. The darkness that surrounds our time has become so thick that few what to hear about Light for living their lives and even fewer look for the Light so they may see. Many believe and place their hope in the darkness, they do not want to hear, see or be challenged by Truth or what is to come..... Ever wonder why that is?

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