Sunday, March 20, 2011


It is nice to get away with family and change the pace for a while. Great to be home from trip south and back to sleeping in own bed. However the thought hit that really am not home yet. The home, bed, etc really are not mine but on loan from God. When my last breath is taken or God determines someone else should have them they will be passed on. We brought nothing into this world and will take nothing out when we leave. Life truly is short and it is amazing how good God is to us. When we consider how Holy God is and how much He hates sin, all the good that comes our way is definitely due to the grace of God. The Bible(check out John chapter 3) tells us just how much God does in fact love us and am one who is grateful that we do not have to do anything to merit His Love or grace. Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift! May the grace of God fill your journey through this life.

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