To hear all the media and politicians talk our nation was getting ready to go over the cliff to an almost doomsday like event. Now what was it that was going to cause this national suicide? The spending ourselves into poverty, continued sustained record level unemployment, burdensome government regulations, high tax burden on our economy, or trying to cut government spending....well no none of these. What about the moral decay in our nation, killing of our babies, gambling, unrestrained homosexual activity, gay marridge, houses of prostitution, crooked politicians, corrupted judicial system, or the attempt to remove any concept of God from our nation....well no not exactly(God has however warned us these will bring judgment on a nation). Now you ask what is left that could have caused our nation to collapse?
Are you ready for this - here it is - "a government shutdown". Now personally think that the government being closed for a few weeks would be a good thing. Maybe our people would wake up to the fact that a lot of our problems are the result of to much government not to little. Most of what our government does are things it should not be involved in, way past the essentuals like national defense, a fair judicial system and a modest revenue stream to cover only that which our people are not able to do through private enterprise.
We have strayed so far from the intent of our founding fathers I wonder if they would even recognize our nation as being the one they risked their lives for.
Agreed. And why does all of the government have to shut down? Why not just certain branches of the government?