Friday, July 29, 2011


Got any plans for today? What are they?
How about any plans for tomorrow.
Made plans for next week and ready to roll.
Made your plans or at least started to plan for Christmas.
Plans and goals for next year in place yet.
What about 5 years from now what are you planning.
20 years from now what have you got lined up as to what you plan on doing and goals reached.
After retirement got your plans lined up and prepared to implement.
Okay so far so good right....
Now for the next plan have you prepared for your death.. life insurance, funeral arrangements and burial ready.
Now the most important of all plans, have you planned for your future after your funeral?
You will spend maybe as much as 100 years on this earth that you planned for but what about eternity. Did you plan and are you prepared to live forever with God in Heaven.
Or have you dismissed the need to prepare for eternity and just planning to accept the default location and hope it is not to bad.
The choice to plan or not is yours but remember you will be where you have prepared for in your planning forever.
Plan Well!

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