There still exist some groups of people considered by many to be extremely dangerous to the current culture. Therefore they have been targeted for ridicule, character assassination, marginalized, physical intimidation, and assault. Their ideas and speech must be eliminated or at the very least suppressed to private thought not to be shared with anyone at any time. These horrible individuals making up these groups have many similar beliefs that they live their lives by. Let us look at some of the worst that they accept as true and makes them a problem.
*They actually believe we were created by God rather than evolving by chance or random circumstance.
*They believe that God has set standards He expects us to live by.
*That homosexuality is perversion and a lifestyle choice that will bring judgment on nations who embrace it.
*That abortion is simply the murder of a human being for convenience.
*That all rights come from God not government.
*That people are responsible for their own decisions not society.
*That children can be taught to exercise self-control.
*That teenagers should not be encouraged to experiment with sex, drugs or other destructive behavior.
*That adults should be expected to honor their commitments and be held accountable for failure to do so.
*That the sexual exploitation of girls and women is absolutely wrong period in any form.
*That learning from history in order to avoid making the same mistakes is necessary.
*That living in a manner that puts the well being of others equal to or above self is to be desired.
*That all children deserve a good education and should be removed from failing schools.
*That open discussion and free speech should be encouraged not silenced.
*That the government should not be forcing people to buy certain products or give up their beliefs.
*In the USA they belief that the Constitution is the law of the land and government rights are limited thereby.
*That judges are not to make laws but to uphold them with true justice.
*That real love is sharing truth not hiding it.
*That God is the final Judge and all will face him when they die.
*That conservative principles that have proven true should be used as a guide for decision making.
Well you get the idea as to why the "gay" promoters, elitist, progressives, media, labor unions, socialist, and liberal attack groups are bend on wiping out those who dare to disagree with their agenda.
But they do not realize that it is written that whatsoever you sow you will reap and those who dig pits for others will fall in it at the end.
If you are one who has been silenced because you have been targeted, be silent no more but speak up and force them to have to confront truth. Never forget that God in fact is the only judge that you need to be concerned about and He has provided a way to escape the final judgement for sin.
*They actually believe we were created by God rather than evolving by chance or random circumstance.
*They believe that God has set standards He expects us to live by.
*That homosexuality is perversion and a lifestyle choice that will bring judgment on nations who embrace it.
*That abortion is simply the murder of a human being for convenience.
*That all rights come from God not government.
*That people are responsible for their own decisions not society.
*That children can be taught to exercise self-control.
*That teenagers should not be encouraged to experiment with sex, drugs or other destructive behavior.
*That adults should be expected to honor their commitments and be held accountable for failure to do so.
*That the sexual exploitation of girls and women is absolutely wrong period in any form.
*That learning from history in order to avoid making the same mistakes is necessary.
*That living in a manner that puts the well being of others equal to or above self is to be desired.
*That all children deserve a good education and should be removed from failing schools.
*That open discussion and free speech should be encouraged not silenced.
*That the government should not be forcing people to buy certain products or give up their beliefs.
*In the USA they belief that the Constitution is the law of the land and government rights are limited thereby.
*That judges are not to make laws but to uphold them with true justice.
*That real love is sharing truth not hiding it.
*That God is the final Judge and all will face him when they die.
*That conservative principles that have proven true should be used as a guide for decision making.
Well you get the idea as to why the "gay" promoters, elitist, progressives, media, labor unions, socialist, and liberal attack groups are bend on wiping out those who dare to disagree with their agenda.
But they do not realize that it is written that whatsoever you sow you will reap and those who dig pits for others will fall in it at the end.
If you are one who has been silenced because you have been targeted, be silent no more but speak up and force them to have to confront truth. Never forget that God in fact is the only judge that you need to be concerned about and He has provided a way to escape the final judgement for sin.
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