Saturday, April 28, 2012

The answer is...

What is the person called who has someone else provide them free food?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free housing?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free medical care?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free transportation?
What is the person called who has someone else provide for them free electricity?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free clothing?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free heating oil?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free education?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free childcare?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free phone?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free police protection?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free trash pickup?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them spending money?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free library use?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free legal representation?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free insurance?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free admission to parks?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them...? you get the idea.

The answer is.....
Some would say a taxpayer, but if a person is paying all of the taxes imposed on the citizens then whatever they do get is not free to them.
Some would say a child since they are dependent on their family for just about everything, but that does not cover for when the person is an adult.
The only correct answer is a slave, for whenever someone is dependent as an adult on someone else or the government to provide for their needs they are no more than a slave.
But you say they are not wearing chains and are free to make decisions and travel about and do not have to perform any work as slaves normally would. Let us consider that argument by looking at slaves from history of the USA.
The slaves had on more than invisible bonds as they did not wear chains. They too were permitted to marry and have children. They were allowed to travel into town, buy things, attend church services and some masters allowed them to grow extra crops to sell on small pieces of land provided for that use.  They could purchase items with any money they were given or managed to earn in their free time. Slaves were required to work unless too young or old to so since the master and their family also worked if able. Currently the government is not requiring work for taking care of those who they have enslaved but the government as master has control and that can be changed whenever the master decides to do so.
Now you say some do not receive things totally free only partial so at reduced rates/cost.  Then what you have is a partial slave that the government is enticing to surrender into becoming a complete slave. Currently in USA and European countries it is still possible to escape but it is not easy. It is a hard choice for most to make since they have willingly been enslaved so long and have come to accept someone else making decisions for them.    
Are you free or are you a slave?
This carries over into the spiritual side also for those who live in sin are slaves to sin.  Freedom only comes from realizing that one is a slave and acceptance of the payment for freedom offered by God through faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord. Then the power is given by God to break the invisible bonds of sin controlling your life and make you free.


Sunday, April 8, 2012


Hanged on a tree until dead for the sin of the world. Buried in a borrowed tomb. Three days later vacated the borrowed tomb when He arose from the dead. He is alive having paid our sin debt and conquered death so that we might have forgiveness from sin with eternal life. Jesus Christ is alive whether you accept it or not. The key thing is are you willing to accept the payment and allow Him to change you from the inside out. The choice is yours and your eternal destiny is at stake. Chose well for there is no higher price for making the wrong decision.
He lives!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Time is not on our side

History shows that with acceptance of career politicians in democratic nations the government has expanded and political power has become concentrated into the hands of elites. Free market principals which permitted average citizens to advance their economic conditions gave way to ever increasing government control and higher taxes to pay for the increasing social programs and government departments to run them. The citizens have grown dependent on the government to provide for them rather than taking personal responsibility and depending only on God.  Laws have been passed to take more and more of our freedoms, financial resources, and independence until personal intuitive has been restrained . The main hook to insure there would be no escape was the institution of national health care. This locks the people in to a perceived total dependence on the government for birth to the grave care and allows the elite to control who gets what level of care, i.e. playing "god". Taxation becomes locked in and the progressives in firm control not only government but the people. Few notice and even fewer care that they have allowed themselves to be chained to government service. Today once great nations are decaying from within due to spiritual apathy, moral relativism, high rates of unemployment, excessive taxation and thanks to the socialist programs,(other than for the connected social elites) just one short step ahead of mutually shared poverty.
In spite of this democratic nations continue to elect leaders who are intent on following the socialist model. People have discovered that they can vote in those who will take from others(taxes) and use the money to benefit them. With each new social program and government funded project, comes an increased tax burden, with staggering national debt. Too many are unaware that debt is simply the mortgaging of the future for immediate gratification. The cost of each spent borrowed dollar is another freedom lost, as with all debt there comes the enviable day it must be repaid. When the default comes there is no filing for bankruptcy protection only the prospect of runaway inflation, and eventual collapse of world economy. We have traveled far down the road of no return, the progressives know the one thing to insure no return was for the USA to implement National Health Care. Once that happens America would become as weak and ineffective as the nations of Europe (this has been passed in the USA and there is small window of time before it is locked into place). Social medicine, high unemployment will lock once independent citizens into complete dependence on the government from the cradle to the grave. "Freedom" will be controlled by the social elites who believe they are wiser than the lowly citizens. The Bible instructs us to pray for those in authority and for the nations who have elected leaders there is no one to blame, not only have we not prayed but we actually voted in those who are enslaving us. Our people must repent and turn to God for His help before it is to late.Time is not on our side. Pray for personal and national repentance that God might intervene before it is to late.