Saturday, April 28, 2012

The answer is...

What is the person called who has someone else provide them free food?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free housing?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free medical care?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free transportation?
What is the person called who has someone else provide for them free electricity?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free clothing?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free heating oil?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free education?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free childcare?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free phone?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free police protection?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free trash pickup?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them spending money?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free library use?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free legal representation?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free insurance?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them free admission to parks?
What is the person called who has someone else provide them...? you get the idea.

The answer is.....
Some would say a taxpayer, but if a person is paying all of the taxes imposed on the citizens then whatever they do get is not free to them.
Some would say a child since they are dependent on their family for just about everything, but that does not cover for when the person is an adult.
The only correct answer is a slave, for whenever someone is dependent as an adult on someone else or the government to provide for their needs they are no more than a slave.
But you say they are not wearing chains and are free to make decisions and travel about and do not have to perform any work as slaves normally would. Let us consider that argument by looking at slaves from history of the USA.
The slaves had on more than invisible bonds as they did not wear chains. They too were permitted to marry and have children. They were allowed to travel into town, buy things, attend church services and some masters allowed them to grow extra crops to sell on small pieces of land provided for that use.  They could purchase items with any money they were given or managed to earn in their free time. Slaves were required to work unless too young or old to so since the master and their family also worked if able. Currently the government is not requiring work for taking care of those who they have enslaved but the government as master has control and that can be changed whenever the master decides to do so.
Now you say some do not receive things totally free only partial so at reduced rates/cost.  Then what you have is a partial slave that the government is enticing to surrender into becoming a complete slave. Currently in USA and European countries it is still possible to escape but it is not easy. It is a hard choice for most to make since they have willingly been enslaved so long and have come to accept someone else making decisions for them.    
Are you free or are you a slave?
This carries over into the spiritual side also for those who live in sin are slaves to sin.  Freedom only comes from realizing that one is a slave and acceptance of the payment for freedom offered by God through faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord. Then the power is given by God to break the invisible bonds of sin controlling your life and make you free.



  1. Do you know what did it for me? You are the only person I have encountered who gives due respect by saying,"Jesus THE Christ". Spot on my friend. It is quite an epiphany isn't it when God (himself) delivers the TRUTH DIRECTLY to you. Rather like coming off a moving walkway...____! God bless you my friend. Christian love, Robert.

    1. Robert, sadly we are in a time when many who claim to be a part of the Church of Christ live in a manner that does not acknowledge Him. Even in their speech they will not state that Jesus is the Christ and that He is Lord of all. The evidence of their lives would indicate that they do not have a personal relationship with God which is only possible through acceptance of Jesus as Savior and Lord. May God bless you as you seek to walk in The Way.
