We live in a time that many choose to change truth to be more in line with their self-image. This blog will mainly address the issues that are natural result of the loss of reason and common sense because life is short and eternity is forever. Feel free to leave your comments.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
What Time Is It......
To every thing there is a time. A time for life and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to tear down and a time to build, a time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to celebrate, a time to recycle and a time to collect. A time to gain and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to rip apart and a time to mend, a time to love and a time to hate. A time to feast and a time to fast, a time to sleep and a time to wake up. A time to sit and a time to stand up. A time for war and a time for peace, a time to keep silence and a time to speak. There is a season and time for every purpose under Heaven. As you look around at the events of our day, do you know what time it is? I submit that is time to wake up and time to speak up so that our land may hear the roar of the chains of debt and the silence of lost freedom. It is time to repent of our sins and apathy. It is time to pray that God would heal our land and bless this nation once more. It is a time of action and a time to stand up to be counted. It is time to take our country back from those who have sought to destroy all that is right or holy. May God give you the boldness to speak up and be silent no more!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tea Party.....
It is interesting to hear and read the comments regarding the tea party movement. They are accused of racial name calling, spitting on people, being unruly mob, racist, inciting violence, uninformed and worse. The little issue that the facts do not support the attacks and accusations does not matter. They must be silenced at any cost and like with the health care "reform" truth has no part in the discussion. Things like the people attending are mainly working middle class, with some health care professions, retired, and stay at home mothers are ignored or simply falsified. Some little overlooked details are that no tea party people have been arrested for any type of violence, drug use, disorderly conduct, etc. No clean up detail is needed after their rallies since they do not leave trash or garbage on the grounds. What the progressive/elites should be thankful for is that they are not like the original Boston tea party. When the American patriots dressed up as Indian warriors and destroyed tea that did not belong to them by dumping it into the harbor rather then paying the oppressive taxes imposed by government. Now if they did something like that we would have change and maybe some people would wake up to the tyranny of the aristocratic leadership in congress. Then again probably not since most worship at the alter of government control. Since they do not wish to retain God in their knowledge He allows them to reap the consequences of their folly. None are so blind as those who will not see.
Monday, March 22, 2010
It was with interest that I watched CSPAN coverage of the House "debate" last night. A debate where the outcome is predetermined is not a debate. So if you watched, you like me, only saw a bunch of mini speeches. A mini speech by a politician is almost an oxymoron. What was clear last night was that the term "pro-life Democrat" is an oxymoron. What must now be clear to all except the blind, deaf, or brain dead is that the only unchangeable things to a Democrat are that no government program is too big, no tax is large enough, and no baby is really worth saving. If you support a Democrat you can no longer claim you are pro-life the terms are not comparable. Last nights sham was a disgrace to all thinking Americans, and the defeat of the attempt to amend the -fix the bill we just passed- by spelling out protection for taxpayers from having to support the killing of babies was defeated. The most anti-life President in history has gotten what he wanted. Taxpayer funding for the killing of babies which is a multi-billion dollar business and large supporter of Democrats. Another oxymoron is "pro-family Democrat" as the Dems push their pro-homosexual agenda. Now the pro-family taxpayers will also get to support the heavy medical costs incurred due to perverted life styles of the "gay" community. Today we have one happy President and a country that has been flushed by the arrogance of one party rule. (How long before we will need government permission to blow our noses?) Still our only real hope for change in this country is national repentance that must start first in our churches or our demise will be complete. Time is short, our people have grown dull of hearing and no longer want to hear truth. How about you?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Chains being forged...
In the USA today, we have a large number of people who put their faith and trust in the Government to take care of them from the cradle to the grave. I said cradle rather than birth since abortion is acceptable, and a babies death is just a matter of choice. (Not the babies choice of course.) I have yet to figure out why so many put their faith/trust in the government as the evidence is overwhelmingly against that assumption. Even now if you listen hard enough you can hear from Washington the sound of the chains being forged to enslave us as the Dems are willing to go to any length to pass their Health Care bill. It does not matter what the majority of the people want. Since the progressives were given power in the 2008 election they view it as a mandate to do what they want. The sheep who elected them need decisions made for them and the Dems believe, they know what is best for the country. We the people are too simple to understand, so the progressive/elites will pass the bill by any means necessary so we will finally be able to understand why they are the superior thinkers. We have come to this point in our nation because so few are willing to put their faith/trust in God - the same God who created everything that exists including the trillions of stars, planets, and life itself. The same people who do not accept/believe the Bible to be the word of God have no problem with the government being their object of faith/trust. This kind of blind faith has led to all kinds of oppression through out history. I do not believe that a government that has bankrupted the social security system and indebted our country to the tune of $12.5 trillion dollars is capable of making health care decisions for every citizen. Just look at how the Post Office is operated and their costs. So you know I do not have faith to accept that government can be trusted to manage national health care. Since I have not lost my commonsense or reasoning ability, I have no problem looking at all the evidence available today and realizing that government is not the answer to our country's problems. Government is the problem! Our only hope lies in our people being willing to stop trusting government and start putting their faith/trust in God.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tombstone for our republic....
The President talks about making history with the passing of the Health care bill. I agree that we are seeing history being made with everyone alive today being apart of the generation that witnessed the beginning of the end of our republic. The USA has now had three Presidents who were social progressives. Each one swore to uphold the Constitution and then led the charge to undermine it for their own agenda. The 3 are Wilson, F Roosevelt, and now Obama. I guess 3 strikes and you are out applies to our nation just like in our national pastime. Our country will continue on but will be a shell of what it has been. Our forefathers dreams, blood and sacrifices for a free country where government was limited so the people could worship God and prosper is finally being given a death blow. The USA will finally become just another weak socially directed bankrupt nation.
We should not be surprised as God has blessed this nation above all others and as thanks our people have outlawed prayer, the Bible, any type of Christian symbol in our schools or other public places. Our courts have ruled that marriage is no longer between a man & woman because of the negative effects on the sexual deviants in our society. Every religion of man is welcome in our society but not the God who set up this nation having been our protection and provider from the start and His word the Bible the main text book in American schools.
So I must admit that I am not really surprised just disappointed that I lived to see the death of this republic. The headstone for our republic should read "2010 the year Hope died as change was harvested". As a nation who no longer wants to retain God in their knowledge it is no surprise that our nation has become morally and financially bankrupt. Are we also the generation who will see the last days before judgment that the Bible tells us is to come?
We should not be surprised as God has blessed this nation above all others and as thanks our people have outlawed prayer, the Bible, any type of Christian symbol in our schools or other public places. Our courts have ruled that marriage is no longer between a man & woman because of the negative effects on the sexual deviants in our society. Every religion of man is welcome in our society but not the God who set up this nation having been our protection and provider from the start and His word the Bible the main text book in American schools.
So I must admit that I am not really surprised just disappointed that I lived to see the death of this republic. The headstone for our republic should read "2010 the year Hope died as change was harvested". As a nation who no longer wants to retain God in their knowledge it is no surprise that our nation has become morally and financially bankrupt. Are we also the generation who will see the last days before judgment that the Bible tells us is to come?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
You REALLY believe WHAT...
What kind of faith do you have? I will readily admit I did not have enough faith to be an atheist. The big bang theory just didn't get it for me, how stupid do they think we are? Grade school kids know there are trillions of stars most larger than our sun. Even if the stars didn't have planets revolving around them it would defy all reason to believe they happened from a "big bang." Just think for a minute how could a chance explosion be "BIG" enough to create over 350,000,000,000 known galaxies? Or how about the theory that they always existed just by chance? Give me a break- to buy that one you would need to check your brain at the door. Just studying how physical sight occurs it would take a miraculous amount of faith to accept it happened by pure chance. But I guess some people would believe you could put all the parts of a watch in a box and given enough "time" it would start telling time. Or maybe over enough time a house would just appear in the middle of the woods since there would be trees all around.(Where did those trees come from anyway?) Bottom line is this, if God deniers were right and believers wrong in believing in God no big deal for us as we would simply cease to exist upon death. However if God exists and the Bible is the word of God then we get to spend eternity in Heaven and God deniers when you die .... well you might want to spend a lot of time praying that you are not wrong as life is short and eternity is forever. I would suggest you might want to read the Bible so at least you will not be surprised when you die and face judgment at hand of the God who you denied(the one who allowed His son to die for our sins so we would not have to pay the price ourselves), and thought He did not exist. The stakes can be no higher.. you might want to reconsider the evidence since unlike the believers who have accepted the plan of God to allow us to spend eternity with Him you can not afford to be wrong. I pray that your eyes may be opened and your God given brain awakened from it's coma.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Contrasting Thought Processes
A friend send me an informative e-mail and I thought it showed pretty good insight into thought processes of people esp in the USA.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal/progressive doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal/progressive is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a conservative is home schooling his child, he quietly pays his taxes for the public/government school system.
If a liberal/progressive has a child in public/government school, he demands higher taxes and the right to home school be abolished.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how he can better his situation.
A liberal/progressive wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals/progressives demand that those that are not politically correct be shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal/progressive non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it or finds a job that provides it.
A liberal/progressive demands that the rest of us pay for his.
If a conservative reads this, he'll have a good laugh.
A liberal/progressive will want it censored or deleted because he's "offended" that it is true.
So if you enjoyed reading this you may be a conservative. If you dislike someone pointing out the difference in thought processes between the two, then you are currently a liberal/progressive. Now I used the word currently because I know people can be changed and no matter which you are even if you're a conservative that is not what will matter in eternity. God has a plan for us so we will be able to spend eternity with Him. (See John chapter 3 in the Bible)
We must all be changed.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal/progressive doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal/progressive is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a conservative is home schooling his child, he quietly pays his taxes for the public/government school system.
If a liberal/progressive has a child in public/government school, he demands higher taxes and the right to home school be abolished.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how he can better his situation.
A liberal/progressive wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals/progressives demand that those that are not politically correct be shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal/progressive non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it or finds a job that provides it.
A liberal/progressive demands that the rest of us pay for his.
If a conservative reads this, he'll have a good laugh.
A liberal/progressive will want it censored or deleted because he's "offended" that it is true.
So if you enjoyed reading this you may be a conservative. If you dislike someone pointing out the difference in thought processes between the two, then you are currently a liberal/progressive. Now I used the word currently because I know people can be changed and no matter which you are even if you're a conservative that is not what will matter in eternity. God has a plan for us so we will be able to spend eternity with Him. (See John chapter 3 in the Bible)
We must all be changed.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Blindness is ...
Blindness is the new disease that is in pandemic stage not only in the USA but all around the world. This new pandemic is far worse than any virus or other germs. People have chosen to walk in darkness for so long that their sight has grown very dim to the point of verging on complete blindness. Light continues to shine but in these dark times too many are not wanting to believe that the light beam aimed in their direction to show them the path of life is for them. When they think about the light it hurts their eyes making them uncomfortable. Acceptance of the light requires change on their part so many would rather allow their dim sight to fall into complete blindness so the light will not bother them any longer. There is always a way that seems right to mankind but the end of it always leads to destruction. It is written ..that light came into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. Light reproves those whose deeds are to serve their own interest and lust of the flesh but those who look for the truth of God desire to come to the light to insure their deeds are honoring to God. For the cure to this blindness pandemic, find the book that contains the formula to receive your sight. That book is the Bible. Read carefully, and I suggest you start with the 21 chapters of John and expand from there. May you have faith to receive sight not only for this life but for eternity.
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