Thursday, March 11, 2010

You REALLY believe WHAT...

What kind of faith do you have? I will readily admit I did not have enough faith to be an atheist. The big bang theory just didn't get it for me, how stupid do they think we are? Grade school kids know there are trillions of stars most larger than our sun. Even if the stars didn't have planets revolving around them it would defy all reason to believe they happened from a "big bang." Just think for a minute how could a chance explosion be "BIG" enough to create over 350,000,000,000 known galaxies? Or how about the theory that they always existed just by chance? Give me a break- to buy that one you would need to check your brain at the door. Just studying how physical sight occurs it would take a miraculous amount of faith to accept it happened by pure chance. But I guess some people would believe you could put all the parts of a watch in a box and given enough "time" it would start telling time. Or maybe over enough time a house would just appear in the middle of the woods since there would be trees all around.(Where did those trees come from anyway?) Bottom line is this, if God deniers were right and believers wrong in believing in God no big deal for us as we would simply cease to exist upon death. However if God exists and the Bible is the word of God then we get to spend eternity in Heaven and God deniers when you die .... well you might want to spend a lot of time praying that you are not wrong as life is short and eternity is forever. I would suggest you might want to read the Bible so at least you will not be surprised when you die and face judgment at hand of the God who you denied(the one who allowed His son to die for our sins so we would not have to pay the price ourselves), and thought He did not exist. The stakes can be no higher.. you might want to reconsider the evidence since unlike the believers who have accepted the plan of God to allow us to spend eternity with Him you can not afford to be wrong. I pray that your eyes may be opened and your God given brain awakened from it's coma.

1 comment:

  1. WOW that's deep, and strait to the point! I agree with you 100% I had a guy say "why believe in God if we have evidence? If you think about it...the evidence was kinda made by humans...Thats like that stupid super computer! Lets make a computer, give it alll the crap that humans made up (laws Theories etc..) and lets ask it the meaning of life...42....O.o ookkk...? And seriously, what do they have to lose when they turn to God? their pride? Put pride on the scale with an eternity spent with an amazing god and you will change your mind. Even if the "big bang" theory is correct, I'll still live in my "delusion" of having a God that raises people from the dead, heals people, and other miracles. Go ahead, make your theories and such, but dont come crying to us like we didn't tell you. I appreciate that wonderful thought! :D Good word.
