We live in a time that many choose to change truth to be more in line with their self-image. This blog will mainly address the issues that are natural result of the loss of reason and common sense because life is short and eternity is forever. Feel free to leave your comments.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Spin, Distoration and Lies
In USA free speech is coming to mean lies, distortion and spin. Truth is in short supply especially when it comes to the current administration and the in charge political party. With news media looking the other way or even worst eagerly spreading the distortions and lies. A government who passed health care saying it was not a tax and then when the bill is challenged in court, turning around and claiming it is a tax and therefore legal. A government who will sue its own citizens rather than enforcing laws intended to protect those same citizens. A corrupting of the legal process, and a media that has partnered in the crime against the people. Legal theft on behalf of those who will not but forth the effort needed to succeed at the expense of a system that has allowed the most people in history of the world to move not only above poverty levels but become wealthy and able to provide for their families without government assistance. Maybe that is part of the problem the elites and progressives can not abide not being able to control the lives of others. They want to be the parents of society so they desire to control what we eat, how we think, where we live, how we travel, what kind of toilet we have, the paper we use, how much electricity we consume, etc. But note that none of these things apply to them just the rest of us, you know the helpless, mindless mass of humanity. The really sad thing is so many have believed their lies it may be to late to turn around before we slid over the cliff of no return. Time will tell, pray there is time left to turn back.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
A Different War .....
Warfare continues unabated between the forces of Darkness and that of the Light. A war like no other with principalities, powers, and authorities in high places. Life itself hangs in the balance. The war has indeed been enjoined with no one exempt, yet many do not even realize that they are a part of the battle between that which is holy and that which is unholy even the dark evil when fully exposed. Many prefer to stick their head in the proverbial sand and continue to dwell on the debase, profane thoughts of the society. They walk in a manner that seems right in their own eyes and care little for holy living or things, deciding to just deny truth since it is not convenient. Not wanting to change sides in the war as that would require an active involvement and result in a lifestyle of being different from the societal norms. Plus the forces of darkness do not follow any rules in the war, therefore they are free to lie, deceive, cheat and destroy at will. The forces of light have a rule book which they must follow resulting in a seemingly huge disadvantage to overcome. The followers of the Light stick out by talking and living different from those around them that serve the dark forces.
However in spite of the disadvantage of following set rules of engagement the followers of the Light have some advantages which include being given peace with joy even in harsh circumstances and strength for the journey through life by the indwelling Spirit of God. But the major difference is that once a person repents of their sin asking forgiveness of God through faith in Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God they are changed from the inside out. Once changed they are given light so they are protected from the forces of darkness never to be overcome thereby again. The rules are written by God on their hearts and minds for all eternity. Life is short and eternity is forever. All are either in the Light or still walk in the Darkness. The key is we all started being a part of the forces of darkness and therefore must choose to join the forces of the Light.
What have you decided?
Staying in the darkness or switching to the Light is a choice that will decide not just how you live now but where you will spend eternity. Choose wisely while there is still time.
However in spite of the disadvantage of following set rules of engagement the followers of the Light have some advantages which include being given peace with joy even in harsh circumstances and strength for the journey through life by the indwelling Spirit of God. But the major difference is that once a person repents of their sin asking forgiveness of God through faith in Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God they are changed from the inside out. Once changed they are given light so they are protected from the forces of darkness never to be overcome thereby again. The rules are written by God on their hearts and minds for all eternity. Life is short and eternity is forever. All are either in the Light or still walk in the Darkness. The key is we all started being a part of the forces of darkness and therefore must choose to join the forces of the Light.
What have you decided?
Staying in the darkness or switching to the Light is a choice that will decide not just how you live now but where you will spend eternity. Choose wisely while there is still time.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Pondoring 9-11
When you think of Hitler and Stalin, evil and hate are the adjectives that quickly come to mind for an informed person. As one reflects on 9-11-01 and the events of that day the same thoughts also come to mind when thinking of those who planned, trained or carried out the attacks of that day. It was not the first mass murders carried out by the devote followers of Islam and have not been the last, just the largest murders of innocent people since Hitler and Stalin committed their mass murders using their followers. Those murders were committed because they did not believe in God and the murders carried out by the followers of Islam are because of following a false god. The teachings of Islam when followed leads to the murder of all who do not believe and follow the Islam way, which boils down to the only way to insure reward after death is to kill in the name of Allah to uphold the teaching of Islam. That is why you always see rejoicing instead of remorse after random acts of murder against innocents in the streets of the countries that have a large percentage of Muslims. Now those who are not devote adherents to the teaching of Islam but moderate the teachings are not the problem since they are not the true believers.
Now if you look at Christianity you will find some who also have committed murders and claimed to be followers of Christ but the Bible teaches loving even ones' enemy and turning the other cheek to those who strike you. Those who are not true believers and do not follow the teachings of Christ commit the murders. Compare the real followers of Jesus the Christ who give to help others even those who are not believers and know that the Bible teaches that even to hate someone is same as murder to God. Now the Bible teaches that murderers can be forgiven the same as with other sins, but that to enter Heaven you must repent and be changed from inside out as no murder, adulterer, etc can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible clearly states that some that committed murder, adultery, etc, will get to enter Heaven because they did repent of their sins and are no longer apart of that lifestyle. You see the true followers of Christ have been freed from the chains of Satan and no longer follow his dark path of deception because they have seen the Light and accepted the Truth that God has provided in the Bible. What about you, have you repented and allowed God to change you so you may live free in the Light?
There will be no excuses or exceptions since Jesus the Christ died for our sins so we would not have to pay the price, but the choice to accept or not is ours.
Now if you look at Christianity you will find some who also have committed murders and claimed to be followers of Christ but the Bible teaches loving even ones' enemy and turning the other cheek to those who strike you. Those who are not true believers and do not follow the teachings of Christ commit the murders. Compare the real followers of Jesus the Christ who give to help others even those who are not believers and know that the Bible teaches that even to hate someone is same as murder to God. Now the Bible teaches that murderers can be forgiven the same as with other sins, but that to enter Heaven you must repent and be changed from inside out as no murder, adulterer, etc can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible clearly states that some that committed murder, adultery, etc, will get to enter Heaven because they did repent of their sins and are no longer apart of that lifestyle. You see the true followers of Christ have been freed from the chains of Satan and no longer follow his dark path of deception because they have seen the Light and accepted the Truth that God has provided in the Bible. What about you, have you repented and allowed God to change you so you may live free in the Light?
There will be no excuses or exceptions since Jesus the Christ died for our sins so we would not have to pay the price, but the choice to accept or not is ours.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Hope or Despair.....
The choice is ours to make, although help is available. As you go from blog to blog or even in your everyday encounters with people you usually will find a attitude of hope or one of despair. Within despair you find one who has no hope for a better day to come and someone who spends to much time dwelling on themselves and what they think they deserve compared to others. Within hope you find either false hope that is plugged into self-sufficiency or real hope based on faith and Truth in that which is eternal. Despair will drag one down until it destroys. False hope blinds until it to destroys its carrier. Then there is real hope found in the truths that God has given us in the Bible, hope that uplifts the spirit and refreshes those we come into contact with. This the hope that never fails and gives us strength to stand while those around us are blown about with the latest fad or current PC thought. May you plug into real hope and be able to stand in the tough times to come.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Something to consider about faith in the God who loves us and allowed His son to die for the payment of our sins.
Faith without action is useless.
Action without faith just passes time.
Faith with action will change the world.
Now first question is do you have faith?
But the important question is do you have action faith?
It is written that faith without works is dead.
Therefore it is faith with works that is alive.
May you come to have an alive faith in God.
Do you want to have an alive faith?
Then you must spend time each day in Bible study and prayer.
Trust God to direct your life and your growing action faith will impact this world for positive change.
Choose to become an agent of change for these latter days.
Faith without action is useless.
Action without faith just passes time.
Faith with action will change the world.
Now first question is do you have faith?
But the important question is do you have action faith?
It is written that faith without works is dead.
Therefore it is faith with works that is alive.
May you come to have an alive faith in God.
Do you want to have an alive faith?
Then you must spend time each day in Bible study and prayer.
Trust God to direct your life and your growing action faith will impact this world for positive change.
Choose to become an agent of change for these latter days.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Your purpose
As we move into the fall season and the resolutions of the summer become faded memories.(The plan to exercise more and complete all those special projects, etc.) So today while there is time let me suggest several things that can make a real difference in your life and impact those around you.
Commit to getting up 30 minutes earlier and reading at least 2 chapters a day in the bible starting in Matthew. Spend remainder of time in prayer asking God for wisdom to understand and apply the truth revealed throughout the day, ask God to work in the lives of those you know so that He may be able to bless them. If you have not yet asked God to forgive your sins and transform your life make that your first priority then let your goal each day to be used by God to impact at least one person for His glory. Each day let your purpose be to please God and bring honor to Him through Christ Jesus.
Compare everything to the Word of God and remember that if it is what we think rather than what God says it is but a shadow. Avoid taking personal offense when scripture is the bases for a position that is contrary to what we believe. Any idea we have that is not based on the Bible is like the wind, here for a while and then gone not to be seen or heard.
Remember it is not about us but about God who loved us so much He sent His son to die for our sins. His purpose for our life is for us to obey Him and be a channel of Blessing to those we interact with each day. Most will not accept you or biblical truth but be a lighthouse to those around you. Darkness is an absence of Light and some like to hide in the dark so light is not always welcome. Don't look to be a follower for those who walk in the night but walk in the light of God Himself and the rest of this year will become filled with light for your life.
May God grant you wisdom and boldness as you seek His purpose as you travel through this life in these latter times.
Commit to getting up 30 minutes earlier and reading at least 2 chapters a day in the bible starting in Matthew. Spend remainder of time in prayer asking God for wisdom to understand and apply the truth revealed throughout the day, ask God to work in the lives of those you know so that He may be able to bless them. If you have not yet asked God to forgive your sins and transform your life make that your first priority then let your goal each day to be used by God to impact at least one person for His glory. Each day let your purpose be to please God and bring honor to Him through Christ Jesus.
Compare everything to the Word of God and remember that if it is what we think rather than what God says it is but a shadow. Avoid taking personal offense when scripture is the bases for a position that is contrary to what we believe. Any idea we have that is not based on the Bible is like the wind, here for a while and then gone not to be seen or heard.
Remember it is not about us but about God who loved us so much He sent His son to die for our sins. His purpose for our life is for us to obey Him and be a channel of Blessing to those we interact with each day. Most will not accept you or biblical truth but be a lighthouse to those around you. Darkness is an absence of Light and some like to hide in the dark so light is not always welcome. Don't look to be a follower for those who walk in the night but walk in the light of God Himself and the rest of this year will become filled with light for your life.
May God grant you wisdom and boldness as you seek His purpose as you travel through this life in these latter times.
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