When you think of Hitler and Stalin, evil and hate are the adjectives that quickly come to mind for an informed person. As one reflects on 9-11-01 and the events of that day the same thoughts also come to mind when thinking of those who planned, trained or carried out the attacks of that day. It was not the first mass murders carried out by the devote followers of Islam and have not been the last, just the largest murders of innocent people since Hitler and Stalin committed their mass murders using their followers. Those murders were committed because they did not believe in God and the murders carried out by the followers of Islam are because of following a false god. The teachings of Islam when followed leads to the murder of all who do not believe and follow the Islam way, which boils down to the only way to insure reward after death is to kill in the name of Allah to uphold the teaching of Islam. That is why you always see rejoicing instead of remorse after random acts of murder against innocents in the streets of the countries that have a large percentage of Muslims. Now those who are not devote adherents to the teaching of Islam but moderate the teachings are not the problem since they are not the true believers.
Now if you look at Christianity you will find some who also have committed murders and claimed to be followers of Christ but the Bible teaches loving even ones' enemy and turning the other cheek to those who strike you. Those who are not true believers and do not follow the teachings of Christ commit the murders. Compare the real followers of Jesus the Christ who give to help others even those who are not believers and know that the Bible teaches that even to hate someone is same as murder to God. Now the Bible teaches that murderers can be forgiven the same as with other sins, but that to enter Heaven you must repent and be changed from inside out as no murder, adulterer, etc can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible clearly states that some that committed murder, adultery, etc, will get to enter Heaven because they did repent of their sins and are no longer apart of that lifestyle. You see the true followers of Christ have been freed from the chains of Satan and no longer follow his dark path of deception because they have seen the Light and accepted the Truth that God has provided in the Bible. What about you, have you repented and allowed God to change you so you may live free in the Light?
There will be no excuses or exceptions since Jesus the Christ died for our sins so we would not have to pay the price, but the choice to accept or not is ours.
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