Warfare continues unabated between the forces of Darkness and that of the Light. A war like no other with principalities, powers, and authorities in high places. Life itself hangs in the balance. The war has indeed been enjoined with no one exempt, yet many do not even realize that they are a part of the battle between that which is holy and that which is unholy even the dark evil when fully exposed. Many prefer to stick their head in the proverbial sand and continue to dwell on the debase, profane thoughts of the society. They walk in a manner that seems right in their own eyes and care little for holy living or things, deciding to just deny truth since it is not convenient. Not wanting to change sides in the war as that would require an active involvement and result in a lifestyle of being different from the societal norms. Plus the forces of darkness do not follow any rules in the war, therefore they are free to lie, deceive, cheat and destroy at will. The forces of light have a rule book which they must follow resulting in a seemingly huge disadvantage to overcome. The followers of the Light stick out by talking and living different from those around them that serve the dark forces.
However in spite of the disadvantage of following set rules of engagement the followers of the Light have some advantages which include being given peace with joy even in harsh circumstances and strength for the journey through life by the indwelling Spirit of God. But the major difference is that once a person repents of their sin asking forgiveness of God through faith in Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God they are changed from the inside out. Once changed they are given light so they are protected from the forces of darkness never to be overcome thereby again. The rules are written by God on their hearts and minds for all eternity. Life is short and eternity is forever. All are either in the Light or still walk in the Darkness. The key is we all started being a part of the forces of darkness and therefore must choose to join the forces of the Light.
What have you decided?
Staying in the darkness or switching to the Light is a choice that will decide not just how you live now but where you will spend eternity. Choose wisely while there is still time.
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