Do you have a song of praise to God for his love, kindness and mercy?
Do you desire to live a blameless life before God at home and in public?
Do you refuse to be a part of low and vulgar things?
Do you abhor that which is dishonest and avoid those that desire to cheat or lie to get ahead?
Do you reject selfishness in yourself and in others?
Do you tolerate those who would gossip about others and slander them?
Do you permit yourself or those around you to put down others because they hold a different opinion?
Do you allow conceit or pride to engulf you?
Do you hold those who desire to serve God in high regard.
Do your close friends truly seek to please God with their life?
Do you work to protect yourself and home from the influence of those who want to do what is right in their own eyes?
Do you seek to be light even in dark times?
The answer to these questions will reflect whether you have a personal relationship with God through Jesus His son.
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