The news is full as of late with groups of people in several USA cities as well as other nations where they are demonstrating for various things. The interesting thing is that about the only thing they have in common is a failure to prepare themselves for success. They appear envious of those who have worked to prepare for the future rather than sit around feeling sorry for themselves waiting for government handouts. They are now upset that the government is not taking from those who have worked to get ahead and giving it to them fast enough. They crave violence,drugs and depravity while creating what could pass for a pig plantation wherever they gather.
The sad thing is that society has created so many lazy degenerates and continues to tolerate those who would destroy the economic structure that has permitted so many to succeed. It seems to be the goal of the protesters to kill the structure that allows success and hope so we can all decline into mutually shared poverty. It is written that those who will not work should not be assisted. Not following that wisdom will bring any culture down. Failure to acknowledge God will always reveal the foolishness of a society just before its collapse. There is a way of escape but it will take large scale repentance and people willing to confront the darkness of our day. Are you willing!
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