Sunday, January 22, 2012

Before the end

When your time on this earth is done and you have breathed your last breath how will you be remembered? Will the people you have met along the way have fond memories of their interactions with you?  Maybe they will not even remember you at all or even worst just think another self-centered person has died.  How about your family will they be able to reflect on your life and feel blessed that you were a part of their family. What about your friends will they be saddened that someone who cared so much for others would no longer be a part of their lives. Or would they hardly remember you at all because you were just another leech who was always looking out for yourself. Co-workers and neighbors from over the years would they stop to reflect on a life well lived or have trouble coming up with any kind thoughts or memories of you. As you go through this life have you given any thought to the end or better yet does your words and actions reflect that you have.
If you have not prepared for the end you have an even bigger problem looming when you take that final breath on this earth. God who created you and provided you many opportunities to be a blessing to others and serve Him will be your final judge. God has made a way for all to receive forgiveness of sin and be given a new heart mindset that we might be found faithful to our true purpose. Have you accepted or rejected the forgiveness of sin through His son Jesus the Christ?  The answer to this question will determine how you are remember and where you will spend eternity. The time to prepare for the end is now, are you prepared?

1 comment:

  1. I read your post Sunday morning and reflected over it the remainder of the day. I am hopeful that I am becoming prepared and that I will be remembered not for my bad choices (most made in youth) but for the fun and loving memories that I attempt to create for my family and friends each day. So, thanks!
