Seems like darkness is the choice in the USA and for many all around the world. This darkness is far worse than any virus or even poverty. People have chosen to walk in darkness for so long that their senses have grown so weak even to the point verging on complete nonsense. Light continues to shine but in these dark times too many refuse to believe that the light aimed in their direction is intended to show them the path of life. They would rather deny that the light even exist. When they think about the light it hurts their egos making them uncomfortable and even angry. Acceptance of the light requires change on their part so many would rather allow their dim senses to fail rather than think about the light and the need to change. There is always a way that seems right to people but the end of it always leads to destruction. It is written ..that light came into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. Light reproves those whose deeds are to serve their own interest and selfish lust. Those who look for the light of God will find a desire to come to the light to insure their deeds are honoring to God. Their is a way out of the darkness into the light, find the book that contains the formula to receive light for life. That book is the Bible. Read carefully, and I suggest you start with the 21 chapters of John and expand from there. May you have faith to receive light not only for this life but for eternity.
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