Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Constitution Fixed or Fluid

When the framers wrote the US Constitution it was intended to be a fixed document to protect our citizens from heavy handed big government and insure a free and prospers nation. They created a very cumbersome difficult process to limit changes and thereby protect the rights of the citizens from the PC crowd of each new generation. Three equal branches of government were created to offer a check & balance against each other. But something has gone wrong along the way. A political party figured out if it stacked the Supreme Court with "judges" who would see the Constitution as a fluid guide rather than the fixed document it was set up to be, they could get around the difficult process set up by the framers. With these new "judges" the Constitution has become no more than a shell subject to change as needed by the PC crowd.
The Congress has willingly suborned itself to the court, rather than removing the unfit judges who find "new" things and thereby change past rulings that interpreted the Constitution as per the original intent.
So can we now say it is the crooked spineless congress who has allowed this to occur. Maybe it is actually the fault of the citizens who continue to reelect those representatives who will not take any action to remove those "judges" who violate their oath to uphold the Constitution. But one thing is becoming clear the congress is no longer the intended equal branch of our government. Our republic is beginning to collapse under the weight of a lazy self indulgent society. Too many of our citizens have forgotten God, so the wisdom and common sense that comes only from God is fast forsaking this land as well as many other of God's prior blessings. May our people turn from their self seeking ways and find forgiveness through Jesus Christ before hope also forsakes our land.

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