Saturday, January 30, 2010

America - The New Europe

Are we learning from history or doomed to repeat it. Looking at the history of Great Britain and Western Europe some things seem to be hard to understand. How can nations who once were powerful and proactive in their international dealings, ambitious to the point of wanting to influence or control other countries, are now bankrupt shells of their former selves. What happened?
They went from primarily monarchical forms of government to democratic forms of government and initially the lot of the people improved and they remained strong nations. They permitted more freedom of expression esp. in areas of religion and speech along with allowing citizens to have open commerce and trade with very few restrictions. They had limited government which restricted itself to mainly what people could not do more themselves ie. military, some monetary oversight, foreign affairs, customs, etc. With the rise of career politicians came increase in taxes as government was expanded and political power the goal. Free market principals gave way to ever increasing government control and higher taxes to pay for the increasing social programs and government departments to run them. The citizens growing more and more dependent on the government to provide for them rather than taking personal responsibility for themselves and dependent only on God to assist them and their families. Little by little laws were passed taking more and more of the peoples freedom, financial resources, and Independence until personal intuitive was muted. The final piece of the puzzle to insure there was no turning back was the institution of national health care. This locked the people in to total dependence on the government from birth to the grave. Taxation now secure and the progressives in firm control of not only government but also of the people themselves. Few noticed and even fewer cared. Today those once great nations are decaying from within suffering from spiritual apathy, moral relativism, high rates of unemployment, excessive taxation and thanks to the socialist programs,(other than for the connected social elites) only one step ahead of mutually shared poverty.
In spite of this America has increasingly elected leaders who are intent on following the European model of socialism. Our people have discovered that they can vote in those who will take from the "rich" and use the taxes (legally stolen money) to benefit them or their families. With each new social program, government funded project, comes not only increased tax burden, but staggering national debt. We have forgotten that debt is simply the mortgaging of the future for immediate gratification. The cost of each spent borrowed dollar is our future freedom, as with all debt there comes the enviable day it must be repaid. If we default as a nation there is no filing for bankruptcy court protection only the prospect of runaway inflation, anarchy or even the takeover by nation(s) holding our debt. We have traveled far down the road of no return, the progressives know they need but one more thing to insure no return and that is passage of National Health Care. Once that happens America will become as weak and ineffective as Europe, social medicine, high unemployment will lock our citizens into complete dependence on government from the cradle to the grave. Our freedoms will be controlled by the social elites who are so much smarter than the normal citizens who are just one step ahead of monkeys anyway to their way of thinking. The Bible instructs us to pray for those in authority and in this land we have no one to blame but ourselves, not only have we not prayed but we actually freely elected those who would enslave us to be our leaders. May God grant us sight and the good sense to repent and pray for God to move on the hearts of our people to elect leaders who care not about themselves but the good of our nation. Pray for those we have put in authority over us that they will seek wisdom from God and remember they will answer for their actions.

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