Saturday, January 23, 2010

Be Aware & Think

Through out the history of man there have always been those who believe that they are superior to those around them. Some by birth as in the caste system of India, some by religion such as those who follow Islam controlling most of the Middle East, others by their progressive ideas which can be seen throughout much of Europe and North America. They all have in common the desire to have power, influence and control over society, seeking to destroy those who will not bow down at their alter. They endeavor to control the education system teaching their doctrines as the only acceptable thought and as current truth. There are no absolutes except theirs and dissent is not welcome nor tolerated. They are quick to project their faults onto those who dare question or present evidence that exposes their error in any form. They name call, label or otherwise personally attack rather then defend their positions with logic, facts, or any type of common sense rationale. They seek to stifle debate. Destroy by any means available is always their motto.
Let me challenge you to watch what is occurring in our land, listen not only to what is said but how it is presented. Who is seen as the provider of the needs of people, government or a free people themselves under God. Is our Constitution seen as a firm document or a fluid one. Is open debate encouraged or discouraged. Is the evidence from the Bible given full consideration or dismissed. The fool has said there is no God and believes that everything that exist is by chance and came from nothing. Always remember the source providing information and on what it is based.
The richest nation in the world has the most suicides, most mental health workers, the most self-centered and ungrateful youth, etc. WHY?

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