1-1-10 begins the 1st day of the new year, it will be a day for resolutions - some good & some not. But for most it will be just another day with 2010 added to the date to replace 2009. Many will continue to run to & fro without a plan, direction, goal or purpose and come 12-31-10 will wonder how year went by so fast. For many who made their 2010 new years resolution it will be but a faded memory. So today while there is time let me suggest several things that can make a real difference in your life and impact those around you.
Commit to getting up 30 minutes earlier and reading at least 2 chapters a day in the bible starting in Matthew. Spend remainder of time in prayer asking God for wisdom to understand and apply the truth revealed throughout the day, ask God to work in lives of those you know so that He may be able to bless them. Make it your goal each day to be used by God to impact at least one person for His glory. Each day let your purpose be to please God and bring honor to Him through Christ Jesus.
Compare everything to the Word of God and remember that if it is what we think rather than what God says it is but a shadow. Avoid taking personal offense when scripture is the bases for a position that is contrary to what you think or have heard. Any thought or position we have that is not based on the Bible is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
Remember it is not about you or me but about God who loved us so much He sent His son to die for our sins. His purpose for our life is for us to obey Him and be a channel of True Blessing to those we come into contact with each day. Everyone will not accept you or your biblical positions but you were not saved to be popular but to be light & salt to those around you. Darkness is an absence of Light and salt when applied is not always welcome. Don't look for the easy path but the strait one lit by God Himself and 2010 will be your most Blessed year yet.
May God grant you wisdom and boldness as you seek His purpose in 2010.
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