A 2002 Florida law prohibits the execution of anybody with less than IQ of 70. So watch out for anyone who might be smart enough to lower their IQ score to below 70. Elected "representatives" at all levels never cease to surprise me and how we continue to find so many people lacking common sense is also amazing. My thought is that there must me a test given to all who seek elected office testing for common sense or wisdom and only those who fail are allowed to run for office. I often wonder if the same test is used when appointing judges.
If you are killed by someone who can score below 70 on IQ test rather than by someone who scores at least 70 it must mean you are not as dead in their way of thinking. What a country to give so much opportunity to those who would have trouble making an honest living by allowing them to leech off of regular citizens.
It appears that there are more protections for the guilty than for the innocent and the courts have become the safe haven for child molesters, sexual deviants, murders, etc. unless of course they are not a part of PC crowd. Then amazingly the law seems to work okay. Ever notice that innocent until proven guilty works best for those with money or position. How about comparing to the tax laws where the adage changes to guilty until proven innocent. What have we allowed this Country to become?
Wow! I had not heard that law . . . perhaps I should add a few more mistakes to my blog in case I ever need the low I.Q. excuse while visiting my brother in Florida.