Can you really believe we have freedom of choice and real responsibility for our own decisions. Think about driving down the road and not wearing your seat belt or a motorcycle without an approved helmet. Your thoughts must be on do I want to pay a fine for breaking the law. A law that is intended to spare me from extra injuries in a crash if I make the choice to not wear a seat belt or helmet. We have laws to restrict how you can develop your own property whether or not it interferes with your neighbors property. If the government decides it needs your land it will condemn it and take it by force paying you whatever it feels it is worth. Social security tax is used to force you to save for retirement.
Now Congress is passing a health care law that requires everyone to get health insurance whether you want it or not, of course they will deny that since you can pay the government a set fine each year instead. Speech is becoming a lost freedom unless you hold PC views, the Bible or books based on its teachings are about the only books that are okay to ban from the Public Library or government schools.
But not to worry it is still okay to choose to kill a baby especially if you pay someone to do it for you. However a Doctor or Hospital that chooses not to be involved in the murder of babies face loss of funding and legal action.
For our senior citizens it will become as dangerous for them as for the babies with government controlled health care decisions being based on cost analysis in order to hold down cost. But they will find a way to pay for the medical cost of killing the babies maybe even with the money saved from denial of real medical treatment to seniors and those with permanent disabilities.
Watch for more use of the tax laws and enforcement using the IRS to limit true freedom of choice in the coming year.
Voting is not enough we must start putting people in office whose primary concerns are the freedom of our people, rather than those who would enslave us to their paternal worldview. How much Freedom do you really have when you disagree with the PC crowd who are attempting to turn us into a third world country. The Hour is late but hopefully not to late.
I could not agree more . . . our freedom's are becoming a memory . . . If Ben Franklin could see us now he would revolt, that is if he believed that this was indeed the same country!