Monday, January 11, 2010

Truth Hurts

What do the following organizations that assist people all over the world have in common? (The fact they provide humanitarian aid and/or help without respect of anything other than need is not the main answer.)
Red Cross, Prison Fellowship(Angel Tree), World Help, World Vision, Child Fund Int, Samaritan's Purse, Rotary Int, YMCA, YWCA, Habitat for Humanity, The Salvation Army, Gideons Int, Missionaries of Charity, Hopegivers Int, Aglow Int, Living Dreams Physical Therapy, Compassion Int, Mercy Ships, Children's Hunger Fund, Covenant House, Medical Teams Int, Missionaries of the Poor, etc. (I am tired of typing.)

They were all started by Christians who believed that as followers of Jesus Christ they should show the Love of God to all people by assisting where ever there was need.

Now let me list all of the organizations started by Atheists, Muslims, Hindus, and all other world religions to assist in the general welfare of all people groups. (To be on the list they must seek to meet the needs of people groups and offer help based solely need.)
Sorry I could not find any to list, the ACLU is well known but does not meet the definition. (Which is same reason I did not list ACLJ or Rutherford Institute in first list.) If you have enough time and can find any to put on the list let me know.

Think about what the world would be like if there had been no Christ to change the hearts of people to care about something other than themselves.
A scary thought, just think about a world without real love.
1-14-10 this is regarding the comment about the Pencil Project - stretching it a little since all they do is act as a clearing house to bring needs to the attention of others who might be willing to meet the need, but otherwise okay.

1 comment:

  1. You know me. I had to keep looking. ;)

    And that's the only one I could find that wasn't at least originally founded by a Christian. I'm sure there are more, but as you said, they're hard to find. Now hopefully those of us who are Christians will get involved with the organizations that are spreading the love of Christ!
