With the passing of Sen. Kennedy, Massachusetts voters will be voting 1-19-10 for someone to fill the vacant position. This election could be the most important statement by citizens of that state since the Boston Tea Party which occurred prior the creation of the US Senate. It appears that many voters of the state are waking up to the fact that who they vote for could affect every person in the country. The Democratic machine there is starting to show the true colors of their party. In case you have missed it the reason for their concern and planned action to circumvent the will of the people, is that it now appears that the Republican candidate might actually win the election. So they have jumped into high gear to make sure that if that happens they delay his taking office. The plan is to make sure the unelected appointed senator remains in the position long enough to help their fellow Dems in congress finish ramming the health care bill down the throat of the American people. I thought our country was past the point of no return. As I did not think Massachusetts had enough people of understanding living there to figure out how important it was to the country for them not to elect another Democrat. (Hopefully God will give this nation one more chance to turn around.)
Now it appears I may have been wrong and if in fact they do not elect the Democratic puppet I owe them an apology. The Democratic party has taken notice also and decided if they can not win within the rules then it is time to cheat. Now their true agenda will be revealed and few in the media, other than maybe Fox News and talk radio will even let the rest of the nation know what is happening. For the Democratic party, power is all that matters and they will keep it through any means necessary. Too many of our people have not been paying attention for so long they may get away with it and secure their power into the future. Stay alert and if they succeed you will be able to witness the theft of what is left of our republic.
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