Thursday, January 14, 2010

Has Faith/Trust Died?

Take the time to observe the everyday happenings in our society and you may be surprised a little. People still do have faith/trust in various things such as their homes, cars, jobs, friends, media, Doctors, hospitals, medical technology, bank accounts, investments, etc. (When was the last time you saw someone actually test a chair before sitting in it.) In the USA probably the largest number of people put their faith and trust in the Government to take care of them from the cradle to the grave. (Notice I said cradle rather than birth since abortion is acceptable and no babies death is much of a concern until they make it home.) I have yet to figure out why so many put their faith/trust in the government as the evidence is overwhelmingly against that assumption. Even now if you listen hard enough you can hear from Washington the sound of the chains being forged to enslave our people, not just with debt and the loss of real freedom to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

What is dieing in our nation is faith/trust in God. The same God who created not only this nation but everything that exist including the trillions of stars, planets, and life itself. The same people who do not accept/believe the Bible to be the word of God have no problem believing that the trillions of stars, plants and life just happened maybe even appearing from nowhere out of nothing. I personally do not have the kind of blind faith it takes to believe that all that is could exist and operate in harmony without a master builder/planner. I also do not believe that something as simple as a bike would come into existence on its own given enough time. So you know I do not have enough faith to accept that life just started on its own.
Since I have not lost my commonsense or reasoning ability, I have no problem looking at all the evidence available today and realizing that God had to have created everything. Therefore, I am accountable to Him. Oh! I think I just discovered the real problem, have you?

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