The hot button topic has become Health care and need to change because of skyrocketing cost. So let us consider some the problems. I am not talking about the need for tort reform or insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Instead we need to start with one of the most obese societies in the world and the foundation is solid. We still have a high percentage of smokers, consumers of alcohol and other drugs. Sexually transmitted diseases of all types. We must not leave out the most expensive over the last 30 years in HIV/AIDS brought to us primarily through the "gay" lifestyle. By the way remember that little lie that what adults did in the privacy of their own home should not be a concern and was not anyone Else's business esp. the government. Close to a trillion dollars later the public still believes the media supported lie.
We live in a society that wants to pop a pill for every health issue they encounter. Those who do not indulge the fleshly desires but attempt to live healthy lifestyles by watching what they eat and living moral lives are expected to cover the cost of those who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. It is the failure to exercise any self-control that has caused the health care problem in our country. The failure of the individual to take responsibility for their own actions has allowed the liberal elitist to use the Democratic party to take over republic in an attempt to change it into a socialist nation with power and control maintained by these same elitist.
The only real hope for our nation now lies within the Church, but without a spiritual awaking and Godly living from the pulpit to the pews the churches influence on our society will continue to wane. We need to repent and turn to the Light so that God will hear our prayers and save this nation and her people.
Some chose to put their trust in man but I chose to put mine in God. How about you, who have you chosen.
Good point. I already knew that I didn't want to be forced to pay for the health care of others, but I hadn't thought about just which others I would be paying for. Some people will never reap the full consequences of their actions because Uncle Sam will be there to help them out. Great. One more reason to hate the health care bill.