Thursday, May 27, 2010


Happy are the merciful because they will be given mercy.
Happy are the mild mannered, they will inherit the earth.
Happy are those who mourn because they will be comforted.
Happy are those who are humble in spirit, for they will know the kingdom of Heaven.
Happy are those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness for they will receive full satisfaction of life.
Happy are the clean of heart because they will see God.
Happy are the peacemakers because they will be known as children of God
Happy are those who are hated and falsely accused because of their love and service to God. They will receive a great reward in Heaven.
Happy are those who are persecuted because they live a righteous lifestyle for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
Happy are those who trust in God.
Happy are those who help the helpless for they will be delivered in their time of trouble.
Happy are those who give rather than those who seek to receive.
Happy are those who read and understand the word of God.
Are you happy?
Being happy is a choice, choose to know God and allow him to change you from the inside out and you will be happy.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not so free

"Free" things from the government. Food stamps/coupons, products, clothing, fuel assistance to pay power bills, special operator assistance for the hard of hearing, court attorneys, interpreters for those who can not speak English, but want additional "free" government services. Did I mention "free" rent or at least subsidized housing, "free" health clinics/health care, "free" phone service, unemployment payments, "free" medical transport service, "free" preschool through high school, transportation to and from the school along with any extra school events also provided. "Free" TV and radio broadcast stations, how about the "free" income payments or the websites to tell you about all of the "free" government money and/or services available you might not know about. Then of course corporate subsidizes, so there will be employees to produce things or service that no one wants, and the list goes on and on ... I have listed enough, sure you can think of some more "free" stuff on your own.
Is it any wonder that our nations are being overwhelmed with trillions in debt and taxes on everything including some of the "free" stuff. How long before there is a living/breathing tax to do along with the death tax. The majority of the people have been so brainwashed that they believe anything the government does or gives out is actually free. You must wonder if they think it grows on some special government money trees and government employees just go out each day and pick the money needed, or maybe they think it is just printed up for daily use as needed. They must also be part of the crowd who believe if the government is involved it must be better, no fraud, waste or abuse allowed.
Now if you still believe common sense is alive and well in the democratic countries, you probably do not realize that understanding along with wisdom are also in short supply. Wisdom and understanding are God given. So since we live in a me first time that explains why lack thereof as no one is asking God for either. Sorry to be the messenger of the bad news. The "free" government education does seem to be lacking truth and reality. But there is still hope for those who will turn and seek God. He will be found by all who truly search, it was He who provided the way in the Bible.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Old pandemic....

Blindness is the real pandemic throughout the world. This old pandemic is far worse than any virus or other germs. People have chosen to walk in darkness for so long that their sight has become so dim that they are almost blind. Light continues to shine but in these dark times, their are not many who want to believe that the light really exist. The lighted path to an abundant life is a strange foreign concept to many. What they think about the light is that it hurts their eyes making them uncomfortable with thoughts of being accountable for their decisions. Acceptance of the light requires change on our part so many would rather allow their sight to fall into complete blindness. With blindness the light will not bother them any longer and they can be content to do their own thing without feeling guilty. There is always a way that seems right to mankind but the end of it always leads to destruction. It is written ..that light came into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. Light reproves those whose deeds are to serve their own interest and the lust of the flesh. However some will turn to the light and look for the truth of God. If we desire to come to the light so that we can have forgiveness for our sin, God will grant us faith so we can be healed. For the only cure for this blindness, find the book that contains the formula to receive your sight. That book is the Bible. Read it carefully, and start with the 21 chapters of John and expand from there. May you have faith to receive your sight not only for this life but for eternity. Once you have received your sight you will never want to be blind again. This will offend some, I understand as I too was once blind. But since being healed and receiving my sight, I must care enough to at least share the cure.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Myth or Fact

Global Warming the drum beat of the left along with their allies in the media and financial opportunist like Al Gore have made an effective team in presenting this myth as a fact. Issues like the revealed UN e-mails covering up evidence that would disprove man made warming are dismissed. The 1970's warning of a coming global ice age which was projected by the same "science" models now being used, equals the real inconvenient truth of our day. Remember the media supported that "scientific" position also. Watch as Climate change is now becoming the PC word for 2010 to get around the problem that no matter what people do they can not cause a lasting effect on our planets temperature. Freon has bitten the dust due to the false science and it will be interesting to see who the cap & trade con will allow to be enriched at the expense of average people. These groups that would laugh at the Bible teaching of demons have set up their own demon in the form of global warming/climate change.
Another ongoing myth is the one teaching evolution which has so permeated our society that it is presented as "scientific" fact when in actuality the evidence is overwhelming to the contrary. The real problem here is that no one has come up with a replacement for the origins of man, except for Divine Creation as taught in the Bible. However this is unacceptable to the elites and progressives because of the ramifications of that truth.
Some other Myths supported by governments and societies "leaders" are:
Government controlled health care will save money and provide better health care. Increasing tax burden on citizens will lower unemployment rate & help the economy of a nation. Spending more money is best way to lower national debt.(Appears to be the Greek way. How is that working out?)
Keep your eyes and mind open as there are many more myths out there and can be detected if you will look for the hidden agendas of those pushing the idea. A dead give away is when they oppose any opposition to their agenda by trying to demonize any who question their positions. As they turn off the lights, become light for those around you that others may be able to escape the darkness.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Someone Thinks.......

Someone thinks the world revolves around them.
Someone thinks they should be first.
Someone thinks life is not fair because……
Someone thinks they are better than most
Someone thinks there are no set standards
Someone thinks truth is relative
Someone thinks no one cares about them
Someone thinks they are owed health care
Someone thinks they are owed a job
Someone thinks they are owed an education
Someone thinks they are entitled to be left alone
Someone thinks animals are more important than people
Someone thinks people are animals
Someone thinks life is hard
Someone thinks life is a gift to live as they please
Someone thinks the goal in life to get to the top…however
Someone thinks that no one matters but them
Someone thinks they can live as they wish without consequences
Someone thinks that they are an island
Someone thinks that being different is acting like everyone else
Someone thinks that being different is being in style
Someone thinks it is okay for them to be rude
Someone thinks life is one way street to their door
Someone thinks they have right to get upset
Someone thinks that mankind has the answer
Someone thinks there is not an afterlife
Someone thinks this is as good or bad as it gets
Someone thinks they are not good enough
Someone thinks they are not worthy
Someone thinks they don’t really care about tomorrow
Someone thinks they are entitled to a happy life
Someone thinks that what they do or say is only their business
Someone thinks that what they believe is their own business
Someone thinks that there is no God
Someone thinks if there is a God, He will accept them as they are
Someone thinks that they are "god"
Someone thinks that God has no right to judge them
Someone thinks that if don’t go to Heaven, will be no big deal
Someone thinks they want to spend eternity with their friends

Someone thinks …..well you get the idea and if you are concerned with what someone thinks, or if that someone is you, then you will miss the most important decision you need to make. The bottom line is this, if the Bible is the word of God and you decide to reject it because you think that is not what you have been taught or you do not know many if any who do believe. You should at least study the Bible from perspective of what if it is in truth the word of God. God who loves you and allowed His son Jesus the Christ to die for our sins so we would not have to pay the price. At least if you choose wrong you would know what to expect for eternity. Life is short and few if any know the date of their death. Choose well because God will honor your choice for eternity. Yes, I know this will upset those who do not wish to consider the cost of being wrong but I must at least challenge you to consider the cost of not being right. If the Bible is the word of God and Jesus is the only way to Heaven how would that affect your decision? In the end what God thinks is all that will matter. Okay I know the dark times in which we live so at least read the first 3 chapters of Genesis and then the book of John from the new testament. You owe yourself that much at least. May God give you faith and understanding.