Friday, May 7, 2010

Myth or Fact

Global Warming the drum beat of the left along with their allies in the media and financial opportunist like Al Gore have made an effective team in presenting this myth as a fact. Issues like the revealed UN e-mails covering up evidence that would disprove man made warming are dismissed. The 1970's warning of a coming global ice age which was projected by the same "science" models now being used, equals the real inconvenient truth of our day. Remember the media supported that "scientific" position also. Watch as Climate change is now becoming the PC word for 2010 to get around the problem that no matter what people do they can not cause a lasting effect on our planets temperature. Freon has bitten the dust due to the false science and it will be interesting to see who the cap & trade con will allow to be enriched at the expense of average people. These groups that would laugh at the Bible teaching of demons have set up their own demon in the form of global warming/climate change.
Another ongoing myth is the one teaching evolution which has so permeated our society that it is presented as "scientific" fact when in actuality the evidence is overwhelming to the contrary. The real problem here is that no one has come up with a replacement for the origins of man, except for Divine Creation as taught in the Bible. However this is unacceptable to the elites and progressives because of the ramifications of that truth.
Some other Myths supported by governments and societies "leaders" are:
Government controlled health care will save money and provide better health care. Increasing tax burden on citizens will lower unemployment rate & help the economy of a nation. Spending more money is best way to lower national debt.(Appears to be the Greek way. How is that working out?)
Keep your eyes and mind open as there are many more myths out there and can be detected if you will look for the hidden agendas of those pushing the idea. A dead give away is when they oppose any opposition to their agenda by trying to demonize any who question their positions. As they turn off the lights, become light for those around you that others may be able to escape the darkness.


  1. when it concerns politcs ect there always a hidden agenda! good read, my first of many today. i really admire your dedication to your faith and belifes, where i come from this is a rareity!!!

  2. 1 who has been changedMay 8, 2010 at 9:34 AM

    ADVERSE, sadly this land also is in process of turning from a land of Faith to one of self indulgence... get all you can get and live for today without much thought of the ramifications of such actions. But as long as there is life there is hope. May hope and peace walk with you each day.
