"Free" things from the government. Food stamps/coupons, products, clothing, fuel assistance to pay power bills, special operator assistance for the hard of hearing, court attorneys, interpreters for those who can not speak English, but want additional "free" government services. Did I mention "free" rent or at least subsidized housing, "free" health clinics/health care, "free" phone service, unemployment payments, "free" medical transport service, "free" preschool through high school, transportation to and from the school along with any extra school events also provided. "Free" TV and radio broadcast stations, how about the "free" income payments or the websites to tell you about all of the "free" government money and/or services available you might not know about. Then of course corporate subsidizes, so there will be employees to produce things or service that no one wants, and the list goes on and on ... I have listed enough, sure you can think of some more "free" stuff on your own.
Is it any wonder that our nations are being overwhelmed with trillions in debt and taxes on everything including some of the "free" stuff. How long before there is a living/breathing tax to do along with the death tax. The majority of the people have been so brainwashed that they believe anything the government does or gives out is actually free. You must wonder if they think it grows on some special government money trees and government employees just go out each day and pick the money needed, or maybe they think it is just printed up for daily use as needed. They must also be part of the crowd who believe if the government is involved it must be better, no fraud, waste or abuse allowed.
Now if you still believe common sense is alive and well in the democratic countries, you probably do not realize that understanding along with wisdom are also in short supply. Wisdom and understanding are God given. So since we live in a me first time that explains why lack thereof as no one is asking God for either. Sorry to be the messenger of the bad news. The "free" government education does seem to be lacking something...like truth and reality. But there is still hope for those who will turn and seek God. He will be found by all who truly search, it was He who provided the way in the Bible.
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