Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Old pandemic....

Blindness is the real pandemic throughout the world. This old pandemic is far worse than any virus or other germs. People have chosen to walk in darkness for so long that their sight has become so dim that they are almost blind. Light continues to shine but in these dark times, their are not many who want to believe that the light really exist. The lighted path to an abundant life is a strange foreign concept to many. What they think about the light is that it hurts their eyes making them uncomfortable with thoughts of being accountable for their decisions. Acceptance of the light requires change on our part so many would rather allow their sight to fall into complete blindness. With blindness the light will not bother them any longer and they can be content to do their own thing without feeling guilty. There is always a way that seems right to mankind but the end of it always leads to destruction. It is written ..that light came into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. Light reproves those whose deeds are to serve their own interest and the lust of the flesh. However some will turn to the light and look for the truth of God. If we desire to come to the light so that we can have forgiveness for our sin, God will grant us faith so we can be healed. For the only cure for this blindness, find the book that contains the formula to receive your sight. That book is the Bible. Read it carefully, and start with the 21 chapters of John and expand from there. May you have faith to receive your sight not only for this life but for eternity. Once you have received your sight you will never want to be blind again. This will offend some, I understand as I too was once blind. But since being healed and receiving my sight, I must care enough to at least share the cure.


  1. good day one! nice post to wake up to....not at all offended either, quiet open minded actually. we have fine weather today i still not too well...so lets say i have one eye open! im half sighted lol.....you gotta have a giggle about yaeself dont ya? i have me exams tomrra,n then holidayssss i may just n i say just look at this book, r we talk in new or old testement? or the book of revalations....could have all that totlly wrong but hey im a tryer, bless u!

  2. 1 who has been changedMay 12, 2010 at 5:27 PM

    Glad u have fine weather - and u are right on being able to laugh at oneself... to many are to stuck on themselves. In the New testament the book of John is 4th after Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Good to read them also but I always suggest that John be read 1st. Glad you will get to be on Holiday so you can rest and finish getting well. I to will be on vacation for 10 days starting tomorrow, not sure how often will get get on the net. But God willing I shall return!

  3. enjoy ya jollys in off to ireland in few weeks, blessings...im sure theres plenty of the good book there!!!
