Sunday, May 29, 2011

Willing to be a mirrior?

Have you noticed that there are times you can not do what you want to do. Do you sometimes struggle to understand why that is. When it comes to your personal relationship with God through Jesus you must be willing to wait. Waiting is not easy but many times necessary to allow us to get ready for the next phase of our lives. Sometimes you can see clearly where God is leading and it is full speed ahead, but there are also times when there is doubt in understanding God's guidance. It is in those times of doubt that you must be ready to wait for God to make the way clear. When the way is clear you must move forward and follow God's clear guidance, no matter whether you want to or not. It could be something as simple as ending a personal or business relationship that is stunting your spiritual growth and development. It could be a family member or long time friend who does not care for the deeper things of God or maybe does not want to have anything to do with God. It may be time to break away from those negative relationships and allow God to grow you as he works in their lives. It is not easy to take a stand or to redirect your social networks. However, we are not called to a natural devotion to Christ but to a supernatural one that leads us on to a higher calling. It is through obeying the clear direction of God that allows us to become mirrors for the love of Christ.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Clouds of Fog

Many who have not been changed by the Spirit of God believe the teachings of Jesus to be not only simple but for the simple minded. But for those who have been changed the dense cloud of fog lifts and the light of the word of God begins to shine through that they may be able to see truth. The more that the teachings of Jesus are studied the stronger the sight becomes. Many pretend to have sight but they show they are still surrounded by the fog with their flippant attitudes toward and seaming familiarity with the things of God. Those who have been introduced to and have a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior understand with reverence the great price that was paid so they could have that relationship. They delight in the liberty given from the power of sin over their lives. God gives life and His spirit to those who have been changed from the inside out. Jesus words are spirit and life to all who will accept Him by faith. Those who will walk in the light rather than stumble in the clouds of fog must renounce their self directed life. It must be replaced with a Spirit directed life which is possible only through a completely surrendered life to God and His word. Truth will come by hearing and the hearing comes through the word of God.(Bible)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Never ceases to amaze

God never ceases to amaze. Just as I was giving serious consideration to reduce some of my time pressures and fatigue by quit blogging for a while, received message which showed that is not where the time should be saved. Started blogging because people are important to God as shown by Jesus His son dying to pay the price for our sin. That kind of love requires those that have experienced it to be willing to do the same. People must come first even before our own comfort. To everything there is indeed a season and a time, but it is not now the time to quit as it relates to blogging.
So will continue to try to post each week and visit blogs to invest in the lives of those who must be more important to me than time for myself. God is good and all need to know of His love for us especially in these dark times. May you find the Light for your journey through life.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Whose way will it be

Knowledge begins with respect for the Lord, but fools hate wisdom and discipline. Study the Bible for instruction in wisdom and let it teach you in the way of Truth
and do not forget it's advice on life. Make it a part of your apparel like a necklace or a watch that it might remind you through out the day of the beauty of the creation of God and that all time is God's time. Be warned that the teaching of man will try to lead you away from Truth into things that are pleasing to self at the expense of eternity. Always remember that Truth is not relative and does not change with time, knowledge can be increased and wisdom can be gained but always through Truth. With Truth comes the knowledge and wisdom to live a disciplined life, one that needs not to be regretted. To know and have a personal relationship with Jesus the Christ is to have Truth because Jesus is Truth.
Live your life to it's fullest potential by living it as an offering of service to God and you will not only be blessed but a blessing to those around you. Two choices for life God's way or our way, all start with our own way but it is how we finish that counts.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

3 in a row

Over past 3 weeks a former co-worker, father of a friend and my aunt all died. One per week, 2 from cancer and 1 from heart failure. Death will come one day to us all. I have seen the young die and the old along with those in between. Not one of them knew in advance the day they would die but each knew that upon death they would have to stand before a Holy God. Two of them acted on that knowledge to insure they were ready and one had not. That which has past can not be changed but if you are able to read this you can still make the change to insure you are ready when your last day comes. The key is will you be prepared to stand before God when your time is up, have you accepted the forgiveness of your sin by faith in Jesus the Christ who died to pay the price for that sin. Many have not because they do not see the need to repent and allow God to change them nor are they willing to count the cost. How about you?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Not just another book

About the only book that people want to ban or otherwise remove from public discourse is the Bible. It seems to strike fear in the hearts of the elites, progressives, others in academia, the media and now many in the general public. If it is just a book what is the big deal with it being read, studied or discussed. Maybe the problem is simply that if it is true then we will have to give an account for how we have lived our lives. We may also have to answer for why we did not humble ourselves to God Himself and repent from our sins. Why not accept His forgiveness and allow Him to change you from inside out so you can follow His path for your life. This might be a very scary concept for those who seek to control their own life. Many do not believe in prayer while at same time hoping they are not wrong. The Bible talks about dark days and warns us of the signs of the times, are you paying attention to the news and what is occurring all around you. What is needed is a little faith to look for wisdom and to know Truth when it confronts us. May God grant you sight to see in the darkness and faith to allow Him to change you through faith in His son Jesus the Christ. Grab a Bible while it is still legal in your country(if already outlawed you will have a tough time securing one) and read it to see why so many are afraid of it....