Sunday, May 29, 2011

Willing to be a mirrior?

Have you noticed that there are times you can not do what you want to do. Do you sometimes struggle to understand why that is. When it comes to your personal relationship with God through Jesus you must be willing to wait. Waiting is not easy but many times necessary to allow us to get ready for the next phase of our lives. Sometimes you can see clearly where God is leading and it is full speed ahead, but there are also times when there is doubt in understanding God's guidance. It is in those times of doubt that you must be ready to wait for God to make the way clear. When the way is clear you must move forward and follow God's clear guidance, no matter whether you want to or not. It could be something as simple as ending a personal or business relationship that is stunting your spiritual growth and development. It could be a family member or long time friend who does not care for the deeper things of God or maybe does not want to have anything to do with God. It may be time to break away from those negative relationships and allow God to grow you as he works in their lives. It is not easy to take a stand or to redirect your social networks. However, we are not called to a natural devotion to Christ but to a supernatural one that leads us on to a higher calling. It is through obeying the clear direction of God that allows us to become mirrors for the love of Christ.


  1. OMGosh! This is so true and something I learned (thankfully) long ago. My children need to learn to wait. I tell them often that what is good for them will be done in God's time. They are so impatient!!

  2. Trish, for most learning to wait is like trying to relocate water with ones hand, a very slow process.
