What value do you place on yourself or do you allow others to decide your value. If you value yourself higher than others you will have few real friends and be a real challenge to those who must come into contact with you. You will most likely be prideful and boastful, while rarely being truly content. On the other hand if you let others determine your self-worth you will ride an emotional roller coaster and never feel you are of value, unless you are pleasing others. You will be easily discouraged and subject to periods of feeling down or depressed. Schools now try to instill feelings of self-worth into students, even to the extreme of not wanting to keep score in games. Sometimes they even consider not grading students on test or exams, but then what purpose would they really serve. Where we get our self-worth from will determine how we handle our life experience, so it is important that we have correct self-worth. Our value should be based on fact we were created in image of God and that He loves us so much that His son Jesus the Christ died to pay the price for our sin. That being the case we then will realize that no one is more important than someone else, all are of equal value where it counts - with God.
Now accept your value and the forgiveness of sin that Jesus has paid for already and desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. With properly understood self-worth you will not only be a blessing to those around you but be blessed.
bless you, lovely post, renforced alot of my thought processes this evening ty