Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Never seem to learn

Time passes but people never seem to learn. From Presidents, Governors, Senators, Congressmen, Sports Stars, International power brokers, etc. too many to name with multiples to represent each group. With political power, fame, money, celebrity or position of authority too many times those who obtain such status start to feel they are special and entitled to live to please themselves and are so powerful that no one will ever discover their illegal conduct or immoral lifestyle. The end is always the same, their secret conduct is found out and broadcast around the world. Their families are embarrassed, friends and supporters wonder how it was discovered and are dismayed that their anointed one is now tarnished. Forgotten to often is that hypocrisy may be covered for a time but in time will be revealed and made known. That which is done in the secret place under the cover of darkness, will be found by the light and the secret revealed to all carried by the airwaves and printed page for all the world to know. People who think they are little gods have become like fools not realizing that there is a Holy God who is the final Judge. We are warned not to fear any man who can only kill the body but instead we should fear and reverence God who is able not only to kill the body but cast the soul into hell. When someone does not wish to retain God in their knowledge they start down the path of self-destruction which always ends in ruin. Their is hope for those who will repent and turn from their sin seeking the forgiveness of God through a personal relationship with His son Jesus the Christ. It is the same for all no matter their position or status in life, God is not a respecter of persons, but offers forgiveness and peace to all who accept.


  1. Hello, I just heard about you from my sister. Her friend is blessed by your blog evangelism! I just wanted to thank God for you and also encourage you to move on and on to spread the good news to people! I pray that you will find strength in God and also God will increase your energy to work for Him and grant you wisdom for words, anointing you everyday until the day we meet Him! Amen!

  2. Ching..welcome and thanks for your encouragement and esp prayers for nothing of eternal worth will be accomplished without prayer.
