Good financial health requires planed action, right choices, debt avoidance, good work ethic, self-control, and commitment. These requirements are manifest through honest assessment of needs vs wants, prioritizing of needs in order to plan necessary purchases to enhance opportunity for savings, research of products or services in order to make good choices, not giving in to temptation for impulse actions, not borrowing funds on depreciating items thereby reducing interest payment, putting in work required to generate income, stay committed to avoiding out of control living and thereby achieve financial health.
In like manner to have good spiritual health there are some requirements. You must first acknowledge that all that is did not happen by chance but was created by God. Next you must seek to know what God requires of you by study of the Bible which reveals His plan for mankind. By repenting of your sin and accepting the payment made by Jesus the Christ for that sin you will be changed from the inside out and be given understanding of truth with light see the right path for your life avoiding the traps and pitfalls of immoral bankrupt living. Through daily Bible study and conversation with God through prayer you will grow in wisdom and favor with God. Commitment to serving God allows His peace and love to flow in and through you so that you are not only blessed but are a blessing to others. God loves us and wants to grant eternal life to all, He provides in the Bible all the information needed to make correct decision. He even points out how few will chose the narrow path that leads to eternal life with Him and warns that many will stay on the broad pathway that leads to living death entering into the wide gate of eternal suffering. But God has given us a free will and therefore leaves the choice up to us as to where we want to spend eternity.
When you look around you see many paying the price for poor financial decisions and many others who have not learned from the easily seen mistakes of those around them. So it is with the spiritual the examples are limitless in the lives of those on the broad pathway who have chosen to remain thereon, apparently wanting to do it their way in spite of the love of God and His desire for them to have an overcoming life that ends in victory with Him through His son Jesus paying their sin debt.
May you obtain good financial health in this life, but let the primary focus be on securing good spiritual health. The choice is ours to make but choose well for this life is short and eternity is forever.
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