Earthquake that hit east coast of USA revealed that very few were prepared, realized what was happening or really knew what to do during an earthquake. Good news was that the 5.8 quake damage was fairly minor and no building collapses that would have result in injuries and even deaths. All of those people who depend on the government to run their lives and bail them out of problems must also be shaken by revelation that government can not take care of your every need. The government not only did not warn citizens in advance of the quake but had not even put out information on what to do during or how to prepare for an earthquake.
Now USA east coast has been warned to prepare for major hurricane heading north toward it. So government stepped up to give warning, tell them what to do, guess they can only complain that government did not pay someone to come do their preparation for them.
Some people always want someone else to pay their bills and take care of them, they believe that government is all powerful and therefore they trust in the government for everything. Bad news is government is made up of people who tend to put their own self interest ahead of needs of the people. Those who have their minds turned off will never understand the nature of government control or its limited life span. The most important thing in life is to be prepared for the end of your life on this earth. The needed information with instructions are found in the Bible, check it out so you can be prepared for eternity.
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