Monday, August 29, 2011

Signs of problems....

Ball games are better attended than Church services.
People would rather watch TV than study the Bible and pray.
People more concerned with today rather than eternity.
People put their trust in government rather than God.
People spend more time working out than exercising faith in God.
"Gay" marriage is okay and others just want to live together.
Death penalty is condemned but abortion is not.
People want others to pay higher taxes so they can receive more free services.
People are more concerned with themselves rather than the future of our children.
People would rather spend time on Facebook than helping their neighbor.
A political candidate is supported on party affiliation rather than character.
People put self-interest ahead of national interest.
People desire physical pleasure at expense of spiritual understanding.
People talk about God with their mouth and reject by their actions.
People turn to government in the face of natural disaster rather then God.
People would rather believe a lie than the truth.
Moral people are put down and immoral people are lifted up as good examples.
People are offended when challenged to consider where they will spend eternity.
People would rather believe they evolved from a monkey or slime rather than being created by God in His image.
Societies have problems around the world whether we want to admit it or not.

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