The game of chess is an interesting game. The game should be studied and the rules followed. In order to do well at the game you must not only plan your moves in advance but also assess and thereby try to anticipate your opponents moves as well. You have to be willing to sacrifice some of your game pieces in order to accomplish the greater good of coming out ahead and winning the chess game. At times during the game it may appear that you are being badly beaten by your opponent as you have to sacrifice pieces as you attempt to secure control of the game board or lose pieces as you have to react to your opponents moves. A good chess player never loses sight of the ultimate goal of actually winning the game even if they have to lose all but a few game pieces in the process. The object is not to see how many game pieces you have at the end of game but to actually win the game.
Life has some similarities with the game of chess. To win in life you must plan ahead while anticipating opposition which will come in many forms and from many sources. The object at the end of your life is not to see how much you have accumulated during your journey through this life. The object is to be accepted by God and allowed to spend eternity with Him. To win you must know the rules and be willing to face opposition which usually will mean having less than others who are going through life without any plan or concern about the final result. It is always easier to float downstream than to row upstream against the current but to get upstream you must put in the necessary effort to actually get upstream.
To win at life you must know the rules which have been provided by God in the Bible. You must be willing to change your plans to line up with the requirements laid out by God in the Bible and realize it is not how much you have accumulated at the end but where you end up spending eternity that determines whether you have won or lost. Losing at chess is no big deal but losing at life is the ultimate loss that can not be overcome. Plan well and be willing to face opposition and suffer temporary losses remembering the object is to spend eternity with God which is the final victory.
Excellent analogy.