Friday, April 30, 2010

The Rest of the Story on Blog hopping

On 2-18-10 my post on blog hopping I noted that I had "been blog hopping over the past few weeks and reading blogs from around the world or at least the ones in English. I have been surprised to see how many people share their thoughts and family photos. But I have also noticed how many people are lonely, hurting, or starved for attention. For some I stop to leave comments so they will know they are important to God and let them know He loves them and His son Jesus died for our sins. I also try to encourage them to read the Bible starting with book of John.
Now you wonder why I mention this, right. Well I want to encourage those who know Jesus as Lord to set a goal of at least leaving one comment on someones blog each day you get on internet and encourage that person to seek God's plan for their life and to read the Bible. Pray for that person and allow God to do the rest. Just think because of the internet you can touch the lives of people all around the world if you are willing to take the time to care. May God bless you and your efforts to shine light in a dark world."
Now you may wonder why I just quoted my own post, well the reason is it was the major reason for my last post titled "Honor Free Will Choice". I recently was made aware of several issue points that I should have included in that post for anyone who was going to take up the challenge that I had made back on 2-18-10. Because if you do not leave comments for the right reason then it would be a waste of time and you would be better off doing something else with your time. It is not about us but about caring for others and pleasing God who gave up His son to suffer and die for us while we were still sinners. It is that kind of love that we need to have for others. My time has been really tight this week so this was only post for the week. May God give you light for your journey.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Honor Free Will Choice

What a time to be alive. If you take time out of your daily schedule to reach out to others for no other reason than the fact they are important and loved by God Himself, you can offend someone just for caring. Therefore you must take care not to be upset if you are rejected or misunderstood. People have been given a freewill by God and other than showing them love, along with the other side of the story as provided by God in the Bible, we must allow them to make their own choices and it is not our job to choose for them. We should continue to care about people and pray for them while also honoring their request to be left alone. Each person is special and of equal importance no matter their age, race, nationality, or gender. So provide information about the word of God and that His son died for our sins so we would not have to pay the price. But if not received eagerly, that is okay, if person has questions and wants your help in getting answers, always be ready to help but if just want to be left alone then be ready to do that also. Never forget that if you have been changed by God, you also wanted space and had to come to God when you were ready to accept His love not when the person sharing the good news with you thought you should. Yes, part of having been created in the image of God includes having a free will to choose how we will live our lives and even if we want to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord. The Bible tells us that there are two pathways and where they end, but we must allow people to choose for themselves and not get down because people choose wide path. God states that few will take the narrow path that leads to eternal life with Him. Be a light on that narrow path so others may see it and some will turn and change paths, but always honor their choice since God will, who are we not to respect their decision. Just pray, love and be light for those you come into contact with. We have not been called to be popular just faithful.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wonder why

Through out history there have always been those who believe that they are superior to those around them. Some by birth as in the caste system of India, some by religion such as those who follow Islam controlling most of the Middle East, others by their progressive ideas which can be seen throughout much of Europe and North America. They all have in common the desire for power, influence and control over society, seeking to put down those who disagree with them or fail to accept their ideas as divine. They endeavor to control the educational systems teaching their doctrines as the only acceptable thought and as real truth. There are no absolutes except theirs and dissent is not welcome nor tolerated. They are quick to project their faults onto those who dare question or expose their ideas as being unsupported by any evidence. They name call, label or otherwise personally attack those who dare even question their positions, rather then defend their positions with logic, facts, or any type of common sense rationale. They seek to stifle debate and limit speech that does not follow their dogma. Destroy dissent by any means possible is always their mindset.
Let me challenge you to watch what is occurring in our world, listen not only to what is said but how it is presented. Do not accept news media reports as complete truth, but remember who controls them and beware. Who is seen as the provider of the needs of people, government or a free people themselves under God. Are our rights to freely worship God seen as unchangeable or is it a right controlled by government. Is open debate encouraged or discouraged. Is the evidence from the Bible given full consideration or dismissed. The fool has said there is no God and believes that everything that exist is by chance and came from nothing. Always remember the source providing information and on what it is based.
The richest nations in the world have the most suicides, most mental health problems, the most self-centered and ungrateful people. Do you ever wonder why.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Small window

A review of history reflects that with the rise of career politicians in democratic nations there has come higher and higher taxation as government has expanded and political power has become concentrated into the hands of elites. Free market principals which permitted average citizens to advance their economic conditions, has given way to ever increasing government control and more taxes to pay for the increasing social programs and government departments to run them. The citizens have grown more and more dependent on the government to provide for them rather than taking personal responsibility for themselves and depending only on God to assist them and their families. Little by little laws have been passed to take more and more of our peoples freedoms, financial resources, and Independence until personal intuitive has been muted. The final piece of the puzzle to insure there would be no turning back was the institution of national health care. This locked the people in to total dependence on the government from birth to the grave and allowed the elite to control who gets what level of care, playing "god". Taxation now secure and the progressives in firm control of not only government but also of our people themselves. Few noticed and even fewer cared. Today once great nations are decaying from within suffering from spiritual apathy, moral relativism, high rates of unemployment, excessive taxation and thanks to the socialist programs,(other than for the connected social elites) only one step ahead of mutually shared poverty.
In spite of this democratic nations have increasingly elected leaders who are intent on following the socialist model. People have discovered that they can vote in those who will take from the "rich" and use the taxes (legally stolen money) to benefit them or their families. With each new social program or government funded project, comes not only an increased tax burden, but staggering national debt. Too many are blinded to the fact that debt is simply the mortgaging of the future(including children & grandchildren) for immediate gratification. The cost of each spent borrowed dollar is another freedom lost, as with all debt there comes the enviable day it must be repaid. When the default comes there is no filing for bankruptcy court protection only the prospect of runaway inflation, and anarchy with the collapse of world economy. We have traveled far down the road of no return, the progressives knew they needed but one more thing to insure no return and that was for the USA to pass National Health Care. Once that happened America would become as weak and ineffective as the nations of Europe (this has been passed in the USA and there is small window of time before it is locked into place). Social medicine, high unemployment will lock once independent citizens into complete dependence on the government from the cradle to the grave. "Freedom" will be controlled by the social elites who believe they are much smarter than the normal citizens who they think are just one step ahead of monkeys anyway. The Bible instructs us to pray for those in authority and in the nations who have elected leaders there is no one to blame but ourselves, not only have we not prayed but we actually voted in those who are enslaving us. May God grant us sight and the good sense to repent and pray for God to open the hearts of the people that they might seek His help before it is to late.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Are You Free?

It is written that who ever commits sin is the servant of sin.(John8:34) All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.(Romans 3:23) We are all like an unclean thing and our goodness is like a filthy rag.(Isa. 64:6) Even if we tried to keep the whole law of God but failed in one point we would be guilty of breaking the law.(James 2:10) Beware many say they are going to make it to Heaven but... There is a way that seems right to many but the end are the ways of death.(Prov. 14:12) It is not by the "good" deeds we have done, but according to the mercy of God we are saved.(Titus 3:5) Only one way... Jesus said that He was the way, the truth, and the life, no one can come to God but by Him.(John 14:6) So why did Jesus die since He was God in the flesh? Sin is so vile to God that the only acceptable payment is shedding of blood through death which then will provide the remission of sin.(Heb. 9:22) Everyone will give an account to God for how they have lived.(Romans 14:12) No one escapes death.....It is appointed unto men once to die, but after that there is Judgment.(Heb. 9:27) The payment for sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life Through the Lord Jesus Christ.(Romans 6:23)
Now you may say that you do not believe that and no one can force you to make a decision. Besides that you believe that you are as "good" as just about everyone else anyway. However it is written that those who do not believe on Jesus as the only way to Heaven are already condemned, due to failure to believe in Jesus the only begotten son of God.(John 3:18) Everyone who does not repent of their sins and ask God to forgive them will perish.(Luke 13:3) You have been given opportunity to chose who you will serve... God or sin. Ask God to give you the faith to believe, the wisdom to understand and the boldness to accept Jesus the Christ as your Lord. Choose well as life is short and eternity is can not afford to be wrong.... May you chose to be set free from your sin through the free gift of salvation God has provided by the death of His on son. Although the gift is free you alone must accept it for yourself. Chose freedom!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sight even for the darkness

Ever know anything to be changed by worrying about it other than negative effect on your health. To many will allow themselves to be stressed out about things they can not control. Not enough time is the drum beat and fatigue is constant companion that pulls us down. How many will look, but not see or just run to and fro with no real place to go. Wisdom and peace are in short supply in our time and to many do not know how to find them. This is its an everything is acceptable time, except for 1 book that people want to ban or otherwise remove from public discourse. This one scary book is the Bible. It seems to strike fear in the hearts of the elites, progressives, and others in academia. If just a book what is the big deal with it being read, studied or discussed. I wonder if the problem is simply that to many are concerned that it may be true. If true an accounting for how we have lived and what we have done with that truth will be very uncomfortable.(understatement) We would be held accountable for failure to repent from our sins and accept God's forgiveness. God wants to change us from inside out so we can have an abundant life. Apparently a very scary concept for those who seek power, fame and money. They do not believe in prayer while praying they are not wrong. The Bible talks about dark days and warns us of the signs of the times, all need faith in order to see. May God grant you sight to see in the dark times and faith to allow Him to change you through faith in His son Jesus the Christ. Grab a Bible and read it to see why so many are afraid of it....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Started why?

The following organizations that assist people all over the world have one thing in common. They provide humanitarian aid and/or help without respect of anything other than need, but that is the result not the motivation for their ministry of help.
Red Cross, Prison Fellowship(Angel Tree), World Help, World Vision, Child Fund Int, Samaritan's Purse, Rotary Int, YMCA, YWCA, Habitat for Humanity, The Salvation Army, Gideons Int, Missionaries of Charity, Hopegivers Int, Aglow Int, Living Dreams Physical Therapy, Compassion Int, Mercy Ships, Children's Hunger Fund, Covenant House, Medical Teams Int, Missionaries of the Poor, etc. (I could go on but you get the idea.) They were all started by Christians who believed that as followers of Jesus Christ they should show the Love of God to all people. Since their hearts had been changed they wanted to be the answer to a need that God had revealed to them. Not for money, fame or prestige just simply to honor God by loving people without regard for themselves. Think about what the world would be like if there had been no Christ to change the hearts of people to care about something other than themselves.
A depressing thought, a world without real love.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lukewarm profile....

Lukewarm people usually choose what is popular over what is right when the two conflict. Lukewarm people don't want to be changed just saved from penalty for their sin if there is a Hell. Lukewarm people are moved by stories about people who do radical things because of their faith in Jesus as Christ, but they do not seek to have that type of relationship with God, and sometimes they may just question the motivation. Lukewarm people vote and will even attend church services. Lukewarm people will give money to charity and even put money in church offering plates as long as it doesn't affect their life style. Lukewarm people are usually uncomfortable talking about faith and the need for forgiveness for our sins or talking about church, unless they are in church. Lukewarm people tend to compare themselves to others who are not as "good" as they are. Lukewarm people may say they believe in God or Jesus but make sure they do not become too "religious". Lukewarm people may even say they love God, but do not let that "love" control how they live their lives. Lukewarm people may believe they love others, but never more than themselves. Lukewarm people may even try to serve God, but always try to ensure that they don't overdo it. Lukewarm people tend to think about how to live for now rather than thinking about what happens after death. Lukewarm people enjoy their luxuries and comforts rather than adjusting their lifestyle so they can increase their help for the less fortunate. Lukewarm people will do whatever is necessary to keep from feeling guilty or to look good. Lukewarm people tend to want to control their lives even if they can not control those around them. Lukewarm people tend to have a false feeling of security by being part of whatever is the current socially acceptable thought on issues. Lukewarm people do not want to live by faith or accept things if it takes faith in anything that requires too much change. Lukewarm people may try to drink and swear less than average so they can be comfortable in feeling they are okay. Now the real question is are you a lukewarm person? Are you willing to allow God to change you so that you will live a life on fire, affecting those around you for good while honoring God? Take your Bible and read the book of John. Ask God to give you faith to be changed from the inside out. Live a life that is on fire, do not waste it being a lukewarm person.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Harvest time approaching

Some of the worst flooding ever throughout the northeast, one of the worst winters in over 100 years and total costs continuing to mount. Earthquakes, mud slides, many states on the brink of bankruptcy and some communities already bankrupt. Crime on the rise, illegals operating above the law with open season on our citizens. Our economy on the verge of collapse, with inflation being held in check on the back of the 10%+ unemployed. Instead of trying to remove the government barriers to job creation, the Democratic party continues to create road blocks to job growth and economic recovery. The EPA is getting ready to unleash itself from the last vestiges of restraint it has been fettered with by past conservative influence. Now the Washington elites see the time is ripe to seize control of the total economy and have the government direct all aspects of life. We planted false hope and change and now harvest time approaches. We will reap the destruction of our republic, and once buried, it will not be resurrected without massive violence and anarchy. The only real hope is for our people to turn from their sin and seek the forgiveness of God and His grace to heal and restore our nation before its destruction. There is now no hope beyond Divine intervention. Without a spiritual awaking, the upcoming elections will be like trying to stop a water leak by putting masking tape over it- at best it will slow down the leak but will not stop it. Pray and strive to wake our people up from their spiritual apathy before the light goes out in this nation.