Saturday, April 24, 2010

Honor Free Will Choice

What a time to be alive. If you take time out of your daily schedule to reach out to others for no other reason than the fact they are important and loved by God Himself, you can offend someone just for caring. Therefore you must take care not to be upset if you are rejected or misunderstood. People have been given a freewill by God and other than showing them love, along with the other side of the story as provided by God in the Bible, we must allow them to make their own choices and it is not our job to choose for them. We should continue to care about people and pray for them while also honoring their request to be left alone. Each person is special and of equal importance no matter their age, race, nationality, or gender. So provide information about the word of God and that His son died for our sins so we would not have to pay the price. But if not received eagerly, that is okay, if person has questions and wants your help in getting answers, always be ready to help but if just want to be left alone then be ready to do that also. Never forget that if you have been changed by God, you also wanted space and had to come to God when you were ready to accept His love not when the person sharing the good news with you thought you should. Yes, part of having been created in the image of God includes having a free will to choose how we will live our lives and even if we want to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord. The Bible tells us that there are two pathways and where they end, but we must allow people to choose for themselves and not get down because people choose wide path. God states that few will take the narrow path that leads to eternal life with Him. Be a light on that narrow path so others may see it and some will turn and change paths, but always honor their choice since God will, who are we not to respect their decision. Just pray, love and be light for those you come into contact with. We have not been called to be popular just faithful.


  1. I'm just putting it out there but you 'reached out' to me because what I had written about things that have significantly impacted my life were 'mindless' as you called it. You do not know the person that I am and therefore cannot pass judgement on me. Only I can judge myself. I will be offended when a stranger insults the things I hold dear to me because religion says it cannot be so.

    Mate, you just stumbled upon the wrong girls blog, and spread your views on the wrong post. You've hit a raw nerve there. In future, think before you post, there are far more sinful people out there than me. I wish you the best on your journey.

    Sincerely Dakota.

  2. 1 who has been changedApril 29, 2010 at 10:27 PM

    D, I reached out to you because you are important and of great worth, not because of - mindless, which was not a good use of English language, since if accurate would be waste of time to leave any remark no matter the nature. Thanks for reading my post, I am responding here in order to honor your request. Whether we only commit 1 sin or many, by the perfect standard of God we are a sinner, and therefore in need a Savior, which God provided for us in His son Jesus. So no matter how good or bad we may be, God knew we could not meet His perfect standard. So since He loves us He made a way for us by paying our sin debt by Jesus dying for those sins and all we have to do is by faith accept His gift of forgiveness. May peace and joy be your companion.
