We live in a time that many choose to change truth to be more in line with their self-image. This blog will mainly address the issues that are natural result of the loss of reason and common sense because life is short and eternity is forever. Feel free to leave your comments.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Lukewarm profile....
Lukewarm people usually choose what is popular over what is right when the two conflict. Lukewarm people don't want to be changed just saved from penalty for their sin if there is a Hell. Lukewarm people are moved by stories about people who do radical things because of their faith in Jesus as Christ, but they do not seek to have that type of relationship with God, and sometimes they may just question the motivation. Lukewarm people vote and will even attend church services. Lukewarm people will give money to charity and even put money in church offering plates as long as it doesn't affect their life style. Lukewarm people are usually uncomfortable talking about faith and the need for forgiveness for our sins or talking about church, unless they are in church. Lukewarm people tend to compare themselves to others who are not as "good" as they are. Lukewarm people may say they believe in God or Jesus but make sure they do not become too "religious". Lukewarm people may even say they love God, but do not let that "love" control how they live their lives. Lukewarm people may believe they love others, but never more than themselves. Lukewarm people may even try to serve God, but always try to ensure that they don't overdo it. Lukewarm people tend to think about how to live for now rather than thinking about what happens after death. Lukewarm people enjoy their luxuries and comforts rather than adjusting their lifestyle so they can increase their help for the less fortunate. Lukewarm people will do whatever is necessary to keep from feeling guilty or to look good. Lukewarm people tend to want to control their lives even if they can not control those around them. Lukewarm people tend to have a false feeling of security by being part of whatever is the current socially acceptable thought on issues. Lukewarm people do not want to live by faith or accept things if it takes faith in anything that requires too much change. Lukewarm people may try to drink and swear less than average so they can be comfortable in feeling they are okay. Now the real question is are you a lukewarm person? Are you willing to allow God to change you so that you will live a life on fire, affecting those around you for good while honoring God? Take your Bible and read the book of John. Ask God to give you faith to be changed from the inside out. Live a life that is on fire, do not waste it being a lukewarm person.
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hello there, whilst i enjoy reading your posts/opinions the ....." Are you willing to allow God to change you so that you will live a life on fire, affecting those around you for good while honoring God" ..surely almost anyone is capable with a good set of moral values , principles,faith in yourself and fellow man plus decent guidance from elders ect this life /these feelings ect you speak of can also be reached! and may i ask what inspired you to write/describe others/another as lukewarm ??? thanks for the thought provoking post, blessings
ReplyDeleteMorals and fellow people can only take you so far. God only has children, not grandchildren. Just because your parents are Christians doesn't make you one. That is inclusive of having a friend that is Christian as well. I don't know where it says it in the bible, but it says that you cannot enter the kingdom by being a good person or by works. So when you are lukewarm you don't make it. The bible says in revelation somewhere that God spits lukewarm people out of his mouth. Total rejection. So when he/she says anything in this blog, try to look at it with understanding as to the point he/she is putting across. I understand your questions but it seems to me that you are trying to say that the love of God can be spread by the works of man, which does not and will never work out. Only God can share his love to open hearted people that want a relationship. So in short, You cant achieve what God can do by simply being a good person and having good friends. Oh, and if you are a believer you can pretty much tell who is lukewarm and who isn't, there is definitely a fin line between lukewarm and total believing(but still we are not supposed to judge each other;P). Keep going! your posts are amazing and they sometimes even brighten my day, or put a smile on my face. Your fan xD
greetings andrew....total rejection....are these really the words of god as you say we are not ment to JUDGE people ect? am was not trying to say that the love of God can be spread by the works of man, from what i got out of the original post , my post was not really about god....thats my point.... everything imo is not allways about god/ i feel as a non beliver, theres nothing wrong with it, beliving /not beliving, People as a whole are far from perfect if your a beliver or not, i belive in a high power/for the highest good,dark and light, good and bad, its all the same to me people just have different names for it, but the morals ect all the same, as for an after llife beliveing what i belive we all go somwhere, but youll never know where till ya get there and i wont know anyway as the thing that makes us human is our conscious mind which is not there when you pass away! just my belife, hope not to offend ect, blessing
ReplyDeleteAdverse . . . The "Lukewarm" is a reference to a passage in the book of Revelation. It was a message from God to a church in Laodicia. God says that he would like them to remain hot or cold but instaed they had become lukewarm. This is a reference to believers only about their faith, putting lukewarm water in your mouth can make you want to spew. Cold water is useful as well as hot water but lukewarm water is generally useless. God wants them to be useful. If this were "Total Rejection" then God would not have even had this letter written to them. It was a loving Father correcting his children because he wants the best for us.
ReplyDeleteAs to the works remarks--good works cannot justify us before God anymore than buying flowers for a person after taking their wallet makes up for the crime. Fortunately God gives us "GRACE" through Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-9) Grace is a good gift that we do not deserve an umbrella that shields us from the original consequences of misguided actions. Grace is like you sending flowers to the person who took your wallet.
Love the discussion guys!
well.....laughs to oneself....thats all abit bibleish and wayyyyyy above my interlect/knowledge and clearly ive not read any of the bible! and forgive me if im totally picking you up incorrectly, i do however find this interesting,thought provking and i appreciate haveing my mind streached somewhat! blessings
ReplyDeletelooking back at my last comment shows me that i was definitely tired, and possibly unhappy. I explained nothing and assumed that you were a Christian for some reason..O.o not saying that you couldn't have been. I guess i mistook your question as an attack atm..O.o But from what Nate commented sprung confusion for me. If God wrote he revelation about him spitting people out of his mouth then it should mean that it's going to happen right? The book of revelation is about the future....so its bound to happen no matter what. I guess what im saying is that what i meant by "Total rejection" is that when God actually does spit them out of His mouth it's total rejection. I don't know how it possibly couldn't. I know that there is kinda a second chance, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the tribulation for the gentiles as well as the Jew's? I remember doing a study with my pastor about revelation. Well what i got from it is this: 1.rapture 2.tribulation 3.judgment?(not sure were judgment comes in, pretty sure its after rapture but then again im not sure because God would have to judge twice if the Jew's came in after the tribulation right?) 4.1k year reign and thats all i know. Apparently during the 1k year reign, the people that survive from the trib. will walk the earth and we will rule over them? but then again that sounds kind of wrong in Gods book, what right do we have to rule over them? but then again the bible says we are prophets priests and kings...hmmm strange indeed. Goodness...i sure did beat around the bush there...=.= anyways, i supposed i made my point and i shall take my leave :D your fan!
Hey.. sorry as I did not intend to post and run but the Hotel I was in yesterday did not have a computer. I was surprised! Home now before heading back out tomorrow. This post was intended challenge the mind regarding the heart. To many want to put God in emergency box for use as needed and yet believe all is well since they have the "right" religion. What is forgotten is that Christianity is more than religion it is a relationship with God Himself through His Son. The Point being a lukewarm person is an affront to God and warning that God will remove them as vomit is removed when one is sick. It is not sickening to God to deal with those who do not claim to know Him. But it is when those who have read and heard the truth of His love and grace, think they can in effect mock God with their lifestyles. Claiming to love Him, they become barriers to others finding His forgiveness and love. I used term lukewarm people rather then the more common usage of "lukewarm christian" because that term is oxymoron. Thanks to each for your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteActually Andrew the letters in Revelation were written in the present about the present. It was not until after these letters to existing 1st century churches that John was given revelation bout the end times. I also suggest that you do a few searches on Revelation. The "Rapture" is a very new view that has become popular in the last 200 years. It has everything getting worse until Christ's return but Joel talks about revival at the end and also Jesus' parable about the wheat and the tares shows good and evil advancing until the end not just evil. Do a Google search on the history of the rapture view.